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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 22, 2012
1 revision
#Alphabetical List of All Turing Elements
- [abs.html](abs - absolute value function)
- [addr.html](addr - address of a variable)
- [addressint.html](addressint - type)
- [all.html](all - all members of a set)
- [and.html](and - operator)
- [anyclass.html](anyclass - the ancestor of all classes)
- [arctan.html](arctan - arctangent function (radians))
- [arctand.html](arctand - arctangent function (degrees))
- [array.html](array - type)
- [assert.html](assert - statement)
- [assignability.html](assignability - of expression to variable)
- [assignment.html](assignment - statement)
- [begin.html](begin - statement)
- [bind.html](bind - declaration)
- [bits.html](bits - extraction)
- [body.html](body - declaration)
- [boolean.html](boolean - true-false type)
- [break.html](break - debugger pause statement)
- [buttonchoose.html](buttonchoose - switch mouse modes)
- [buttonmoved.html](buttonmoved - has a mouse event occurred)
- [buttonwait.html](buttonwait - get a mouse event procedure)
- [case.html](case - selection statement)
- [catenation.html](catenation (+) - joining together strings)
- [ceil.html](ceil - real-to-integer function)
- [char_n.html](char(n) - type)
- [char.html](char - type)
- [cheat.html](cheat - type cheating)
- [checked.html](checked - compiler directive)
- [chr.html](chr - integer-to-character function)
- [class.html](class - declaration)
- [clock.html](clock - millisecs used procedure)
- [close.html](close - file statement)
- [cls.html](cls - clear screen graphics procedure)
- [collection.html](collection - declaration)
- [color.html](color - text color graphics procedure)
- [colorback.html](colorback - background color procedure)
- [color.html](colour - text color graphics procedure)
- [colorback.html](colourback - background color procedure)
- [comment.html](comment - remark statement)
- comparisonoperator.html
- concurrencymodule.html
- concurrency_empty.html
- concurrency_getpriority.html
- concurrency_setpriority.html
- concurrency_simutime.html
- [condition.html](condition - declaration)
- configmodule.html
- config_display.html
- config_lang.html
- config_machine.html
- [const.html](const - constant declaration)
- [constantreference.html](constantReference - use of a constant)
- [cos.html](cos - cosine function (radians))
- [cosd.html](cosd - cosine function (degrees))
- [date.html](date - procedure)
- [declaration.html](declaration - create a variable)
- [deferred.html](deferred - subprogram declaration)
- [delay.html](delay - procedure)
- dirmodule.html
- dir_change.html
- dir_close.html
- dir_create.html
- dir_current.html
- dir_delete.html
- dir_get.html
- dir_getlong.html
- dir_open.html
- [div.html](div - integer truncating division operator)
- drawmodule.html
- draw_arc.html
- draw_box.html
- draw_cls.html
- draw_dot.html
- draw_fill.html
- draw_fillarc.html
- draw_fillbox.html
- draw_fillmapleleaf.html
- draw_filloval.html
- draw_fillpolygon.html
- draw_fillstar.html
- draw_line.html
- draw_mapleleaf.html
- draw_oval.html
- draw_polygon.html
- draw_star.html
- draw_text.html
- [drawarc.html](drawarc - graphics procedure)
- [drawbox.html](drawbox - graphics procedure)
- [drawdot.html](drawdot - graphics procedure)
- [drawfill.html](drawfill - graphics procedure)
- [drawfillarc.html](drawfillarc - graphics procedure)
- [drawfillbox.html](drawfillbox - graphics procedure)
- [drawfillmapleleaf.html](drawfillmapleleaf - graphics procedure)
- [drawfilloval.html](drawfilloval - graphics procedure)
- [drawfillpolygon.html](drawfillpolygon - graphics procedure)
- [drawfillstar.html](drawfillstar - graphics procedure)
- [drawline.html](drawline - graphics procedure)
- [drawmapleleaf.html](drawmapleleaf - graphics procedure)
- [drawoval.html](drawoval - graphics procedure)
- [drawpic.html](drawpic - graphics procedure)
- [drawpolygon.html](drawpolygon - graphics procedure)
- [drawstar.html](drawstar - graphics procedure)
- [empty.html](empty - condition function)
- [enum.html](enum - enumerated type)
- [enumeratedvalue.html](enumeratedValue - enumerated value)
- [eof.html](eof - end-of-file function)
- [equivalence.html](equivalence - of types)
- [erealstr.html](erealstr - real-to-string function)
- errormodule.html
- error_last.html
- error_lastmsg.html
- error_laststr.html
- error_msg.html
- error_str.html
- error_trip.html
- errornummodule.html
- exceptionsmodule.html
- [exit.html](exit - statement)
- [exp.html](exp - exponentiation function)
- [explicitcharconstant.html](explicitCharConstant - character literal)
- [explicitconstant.html](explicitConstant - literal)
- [explicitintegerconstant.html](explicitIntegerConstant - integer literal)
- [explicitrealconstant.html](explicitRealConstant - real literal)
- [explicitstringconstant.html](explicitStringConstant - string literal)
- [explicittruefalseconstant.html](explicitTrueFalseConstant - boolean literal)
- [expn.html](expn - expression)
- [export.html](export - list)
- [external.html](external - declaration)
- [false.html](false - boolean value (not true))
- [fetcharg.html](fetcharg - fetch argument function)
- filemodule.html
- file_copy.html
- file_delete.html
- file_diskfree.html
- file_exists.html
- file_rename.html
- file_status.html
- [flexible.html](flexible - array initialization)
- [floor.html](floor - real-to-integer function)
- fontmodule.html
- font_draw.html
- font_free.html
- font_getname.html
- font_getsize.html
- font_getstyle.html
- font_name.html
- font_new.html
- font_sizes.html
- font_startname.html
- font_startsize.html
- font_width.html
- [for.html](for - statement)
- [fork.html](fork - statement)
- [forward.html](forward - subprogram declaration)
- [frealstr.html](frealstr - real-to-string function)
- [free.html](free - statement)
- [function.html](function - declaration)
- functioncall.html
- [get.html](get - file statement)
- [getch.html](getch - get character procedure)
- [getchar.html](getchar - get character function)
- [getenv.html](getenv - get environment function)
- [getpid.html](getpid - get process id function)
- [getpriority.html](getpriority - function)
- guimodule.html
- gui_addline.html
- gui_addtext.html
- gui_alert_2,3,full.html
- gui_alert_2,3,full.html
- gui_alert_2,3,full.html
- gui_alert_2,3,full.html
- gui_choose_full.html
- gui_choose_full.html
- gui_cleartext.html
- gui_closewindow.html
- gui_createbutton_full.html
- gui_createbutton_full.html
- gui_createcanvas_full.html
- gui_createcanvas_full.html
- gui_createcheckbox_full.html
- gui_createcheckbox_full.html
- gui_createframe.html
- gui_createhorizontalscrollbar_full.html
- gui_createhorizontalscrollbar_full.html
- gui_createhorizontalslider.html
- gui_createlabel_full.html
- gui_createlabel_full.html
- gui_createlabelledframe.html
- gui_createline.html
- gui_createmenu.html
- gui_createmenuitem_full.html
- gui_createmenuitem_full.html
- gui_createpicture.html
- gui_createpicturebutton_full.html
- gui_createpicturebutton_full.html
- gui_createpictureradiobutton_full.html
- gui_createpictureradiobutton_full.html
- gui_createradiobutton_full.html
- gui_createradiobutton_full.html
- gui_createtextbox_full.html
- gui_createtextbox_full.html
- gui_createtextfield_full.html
- gui_createtextfield_full.html
- gui_createverticalscrollbar_full.html
- gui_createverticalscrollbar_full.html
- gui_createverticalslider.html
- gui_disable.html
- gui_dispose.html
- gui_draw.html
- gui_enable.html
- gui_fontdraw.html
- gui_getcheckbox.html
- gui_geteventtime.html
- gui_geteventwidgetid.html
- gui_geteventwindow.html
- gui_getheight.html
- gui_getmenubarheight.html
- gui_getscrollbarwidth.html
- gui_getslidervalue.html
- gui_gettext.html
- gui_getversion.html
- gui_getwidth.html
- gui_get_x,y.html
- gui_get_x,y.html
- gui_hide.html
- gui_hidemenubar.html
- gui_openfile.html
- gui_openfilefull.html
- gui_pic.html
- gui_processevent.html
- gui_quit.html
- gui_refresh.html
- gui_savefile.html
- gui_savefilefull.html
- gui_selectradio.html
- gui_setactive.html
- gui_setbackgroundcolor.html
- gui_setbackgroundcolor.html
- gui_setcheckbox.html
- gui_setdefault.html
- gui_setdisplaywhencreated.html
- gui_setkeyeventhandler.html
- gui_setlabel.html
- gui_setmouseeventhandler.html
- gui_setnulleventhandler.html
- gui_setposition.html
- gui_setpositionandsize.html
- gui_setscrollamount.html
- gui_setselection.html
- gui_setsize.html
- gui_setsliderminmax.html
- gui_setsliderreverse.html
- gui_setslidersize.html
- gui_setslidervalue.html
- gui_settext.html
- gui_setxor.html
- gui_show.html
- gui_showmenubar.html
- [handler.html](handler - exception handler)
- [hasch.html](hasch - has character function)
- [id.html](id - (identifier) name of an item in a program)
- [_if.html](#if - used for conditional compilation)
- [if.html](if - statement)
- [implement_by.html](implement by - clause)
- [implement.html](implement - clause)
- [import.html](import - list)
- [in.html](in - member of a set)
- [include.html](include - source files)
- [index.html](index - find pattern in string function)
- indextype.html
- [indirection.html](indirection - operator (@))
- [infix.html](infix - operator)
- [inherit.html](inherit - inheritance clause)
- [init.html](init - array initialization)
- inputmodule.html
- input_getch.html
- input_getchar.html
- input_hasch.html
- [input_keydown.html](Input.KeyDown - get keyboard state)
- [input_pause.html](Input.Pause - pause for keystroke)
- [int.html](int - integer type)
- [intn.html](intn - n-byte integer type)
- [intreal.html](intreal - integer-to-real function)
- [intstr.html](intstr - integer-to-string function)
- [invariant.html](invariant - assertion)
- joystickmodule.html
- joystick_getinfo.html
- keyboardmodule.html
- [length.html](length - of a string function)
- limitsmodule.html
- [ln.html](ln - natural logarithm function)
- [locate.html](locate - procedure)
- [locatexy.html](locatexy - graphics procedure)
- [loop.html](loop - statement)
- [lower.html](lower - bound)
- mathmodule.html
- [max.html](max - maximum function)
- [maxcol.html](maxcol - maximum column function)
- [maxcolor.html](maxcolor - graphics function)
- [maxcolor.html](maxcolour - graphics function)
- [maxint.html](maxint - maximum integer function)
- [maxnat.html](maxnat - maximum natural number function)
- [maxrow.html](maxrow - maximum row function)
- [maxx.html](maxx - graphics function)
- [maxy.html](maxy - graphics function)
- [min.html](min - minimum function)
- [minint.html](minint - minimum integer function)
- [minnat.html](minnat - minimum natural number function)
- [mod.html](mod - modulo operator)
- [module.html](module - declaration)
- [monitor.html](monitor - declaration)
- mousemodule.html
- mouse_buttonchoose.html
- mouse_buttonmoved.html
- mouse_buttonwait.html
- mouse_where.html
- mousewhere.html
- musicmodule.html
- music_play.html
- music_playfile.html
- music_playfilestop.html
- music_sound.html
- music_soundoff.html
- [named.html](named - type)
- [nargs.html](nargs - number of arguments)
- [nat.html](nat - natural number type)
- [natn.html](natn - n-byte natural number type)
- [natreal.html](natreal - natural number to real function)
- [natstr.html](natstr - natural-number-to-string function)
- netmodule.html
- net_bytesavailable.html
- net_charavailable.html
- net_closeconnection.html
- net_hostaddressfromname.html
- net_hostnamefromaddress.html
- net_lineavailable.html
- net_localaddress.html
- net_localname.html
- net_openconnection.html
- net_openurlconnection.html
- net_tokenavailable.html
- net_waitforconnection.html
- [new.html](new - statement)
- [nil.html](nil - pointer to a collection)
- [not.html](not - true/false (boolean) operator)
- [objectclass.html](objectclass - of a pointer)
- [opaque.html](opaque - type)
- [open.html](open - file statement)
- [or.html](or - operator)
- [ord.html](ord - character-to-integer function)
- [parallelget.html](parallelget - parallel port function)
- [parallelput.html](parallelput - parallel port procedure)
- [paramdeclaration.html](paramDeclaration - parameter declaration)
- [pause.html](pause - statement)
- pcmodule.html
- pc_parallelget.html
- pc_parallelput.html
- [pervasive.html](pervasive - declaration modifier)
- picmodule.html
- pic_blend.html
- pic_blur.html
- pic_draw.html
- pic_drawframes.html
- pic_drawframesback.html
- pic_drawspecial.html
- pic_drawspecialback.html
- pic_filenew.html
- pic_filenewframes.html
- pic_flip.html
- pic_frames.html
- pic_free.html
- pic_height.html
- pic_mirror.html
- pic_new.html
- pic_rotate.html
- pic_save.html
- pic_scale.html
- pic_screenload.html
- pic_screensave.html
- pic_settransparentcolor.html
- pic_settransparentcolor.html
- pic_width.html
- [play.html](play - procedure)
- [playdone.html](playdone - function)
- [pointer.html](pointer - type)
- [post.html](post - assertion)
- [pre.html](pre - assertion)
- [precedence.html](precedence - of operators)
- [pred.html](pred - predecessor function)
- [prefix.html](prefix - operator)
- [procedure.html](procedure - declaration)
- [procedurecall.html](procedureCall - statement)
- [process.html](process - declaration)
- [program.html](program - a (main) program)
- [put.html](put - statement)
- [quit.html](quit - fail statement)
- randmodule.html
- rand_int.html
- rand_next.html
- rand_real.html
- rand_reset.html
- rand_seed.html
- rand_set.html
- [rand.html](rand - random real number procedure)
- [randint.html](randint - random integer procedure)
- [randnext.html](randnext - procedure)
- [randomize.html](randomize - procedure)
- [randseed.html](randseed - procedure)
- [read.html](read - file statement)
- [real.html](real - the real number type)
- [realn.html](realn - n-byte real number type)
- [realstr.html](realstr - real-to-string function)
- [record.html](record - type)
- [register.html](register - use machine register)
- [rem.html](rem - remainder operator)
- [repeat.html](repeat - make copies of string:function)
- [result.html](result - statement)
- [return.html](return - statement)
- rgbmodule.html
- rgb_addcolor.html
- rgb_addcolor.html
- rgb_getcolor.html
- rgb_getcolor.html
- rgb_maxcolor.html
- rgb_maxcolor.html
- rgb_setcolor.html
- rgb_setcolor.html
- [round.html](round - real-to-integer function)
- [scalar.html](scalar - type)
- [seek.html](seek - (file) statement)
- [self.html](self - pointer to current object)
- [separator.html](separator - between tokens in a program)
- [set.html](set - type)
- setconstructor.html
- [setpriority.html](setpriority - procedure)
- [setscreen.html](setscreen - graphics procedure)
- [shl.html](shl - shift left operator)
- [shr.html](shr - shift right operator)
- [sign.html](sign - function)
- [signal.html](signal - wake up a process statement)
- [simutime.html](simutime - simulated time function)
- [sin.html](sin - sine function (radians))
- [sind.html](sind - sine function (degrees))
- [sizeof.html](sizeof - size of a type)
- [sizepic.html](sizepic - graphics function)
- [skip1.html](skip - used in get statement)
- [skip.html](skip - used in put statement)
- [sound.html](sound - statement)
- spritemodule.html
- sprite_animate.html
- sprite_changepic.html
- sprite_free.html
- sprite_hide.html
- sprite_new.html
- sprite_setframerate.html
- sprite_setheight.html
- sprite_setposition.html
- sprite_show.html
- [sqrt.html](sqrt - square root function)
- standardtype.html
- statement.html
- statementsanddeclarations.html
- strmodule.html
- streammodule.html
- stream_eof.html
- stream_flush.html
- stream_flushall.html
- [string1.html](string - type)
- [string.html](string - comparison)
- [strint.html](strint - string-to-integer:function)
- [strintok.html](strintok - string-to-integer:function)
- [strnat.html](strnat - string to natural number function)
- [strnatok.html](strnatok - string to natural number function)
- [strreal.html](strreal - string-to-real function)
- [strrealok.html](strrealok - string-to-real function)
- subprogramheader.html
- subprogramtype.html
- subrangetype.html
- [substring.html](substring - of another string)
- [succ.html](succ - successor function)
- sysmodule.html
- sys_exec.html
- sys_fetcharg.html
- sys_getcomputername.html
- sys_getenv.html
- sys_getpid.html
- sys_getusername.html
- sys_nargs.html
- [sysclock.html](sysclock - millisecs used procedure)
- [system.html](system - statement)
- [tag.html](tag - statement)
- [takepic.html](takepic - graphics procedure)
- [tell.html](tell - file statement)
- textmodule.html
- text_cls.html
- text_color.html
- text_colorback.html
- text_color.html
- text_colorback.html
- text_locate.html
- text_locatexy.html
- text_maxcol.html
- text_maxrow.html
- text_whatcol.html
- text_whatcolor.html
- text_whatcolorback.html
- text_whatcolor.html
- text_whatcolorback.html
- text_whatrow.html
- timemodule.html
- time_date.html
- time_datesec.html
- time_delay.html
- time_elapsed.html
- time_elapsedcpu.html
- time_partssec.html
- time_sec.html
- time_secdate.html
- time_secparts.html
- [time.html](time - time of day as a string procedure)
- [token.html](token - in input)
- [true.html](true - boolean value (not false))
- [type.html](type - declaration)
- typeconvmodule.html
- [typespec.html](typeSpec - type specification)
- [unchecked.html](unchecked - compiler directive)
- [union.html](union - type)
- [unit.html](unit - file containing module, monitor, or class)
- [unqualified.html](unqualified - export)
- [upper.html](upper - bound)
- [var.html](var - declaration)
- [variablereference.html](variableReference - use of a variable)
- viewmodule.html
- view_clipadd.html
- view_clipoff.html
- view_clipset.html
- view_maxcolor.html
- view_maxcolor.html
- view_maxx.html
- view_maxy.html
- view_set.html
- [view_update.html](View.Update - flicker-free animation)
- view_whatdotcolor.html
- view_whatdotcolor.html
- [wait.html](wait - block a process statement)
- [wallclock.html](wallclock - seconds since 1/1/1970 procedure)
- [whatcol.html](whatcol - cursor position function)
- [whatcolor.html](whatcolor - text color graphics function)
- [whatcolorback.html](whatcolorback - color of background function)
- [whatcolor.html](whatcolour - text color graphics function)
- [whatcolorback.html](whatcolourback - color of background function)
- [whatdotcolor.html](whatdotcolor - graphics function)
- [whatdotcolor.html](whatdotcolour - graphics function)
- [whatrow.html](whatrow - cursor position function)
- windowmodule.html
- window_close.html
- window_getactive.html
- window_getposition.html
- window_getselect.html
- window_hide.html
- window_open.html
- window_select.html
- window_set.html
- window_setactive.html
- window_setposition.html
- window_show.html
- window_update.html
- [write.html](write - file statement)
- [xor.html](xor - exclusive "or" operator)