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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 3 revisions


##Syntax Window.Set (windowID : int, setUpString : string)

##Description The Window.Set procedure sets the configuration of the window specified by the windowID parameter. See View.Set for a complete list of available options. The setUpString parameter can be any combination options, separated by commas. Here is a selection of the available options.

text:; - Sets the output window to text mode and changes the window size to be rows by columns in size.

graphics:;<ysize> - Sets the output window to graphics mode and changes the window size to be pixels across and pixels in height.

visible | invisible | popup - Sets the screen to be visible, invisible or popup. A popup window is hidden until output is sent to that window. The main Run window is a popup window. If you never send any output to it, it never appears.

noxor | xor - Sets whether all drawing operations draw using XOR.

nocursor | cursor - Sets whether the cursor is visible or not.

noecho | echo - Sets whether the input from the keyboard is echoed to the screen.

title: - Sets the window title bar to .

position:; - Sets the position of the top left corner of the window to be (,).

offscreenonly | nooffscreenonly - Sets whether output to the window goes to offscreen window alone, or both the onscreen and offscreen window.

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Window.Set, not by calling Set.

##See also view_set.html for a complete list of the options available with . See window_open.html for how to create a new.html window.

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