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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Syntax GUI.Dispose (widgetID : int)

##Description Eliminates the widget specified by widgetID.

If the widget is visible, it is immediately made invisible before being deleted. It should be called in order to free up any memory that the widget might have allocated. Note that you cannot use the widget after it has been disposed of. If you wish to temporarily get rid of a widget, consider using the Hide method and then the Show method when you want to use it again.

##Example The following program waits for the Quit button to be pressed. When it is, the Quit button is deleted and a message is displayed in the center of the screen.

    import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI" 
    View.Set ("graphics:150;100") 
    var button, message : int
    button := GUI.CreateButton (20, 40, 0, "Quit", GUI.Quit)
        exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
    end loop
    GUI.Dispose (button)
    message := GUI.CreateLabelFull (0, 0, "Done", maxx, maxy, 

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the procedure by calling GUI.Dispose , not by calling Dispose .

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