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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 3 revisions


##Syntax time ( var t : string )

##Description The time statement is used to determine the current time of day. Variable t is assigned a string in the format "hh:mm:ss". For example, if the time is two minutes and 47 seconds after nine A.M., t will be set to "09:02:47". Twenty-four hour time is used. For example, eleven thirty P.M. gives the string "23:30:00".

##Example This program greets you and tells you the time of day.

    var timeOfDay : string
    time ( timeOfDay )
    put "Greetings!!  The time is ", timeOfDay

##Details Be warned that on some computers such as IBM PC compatibles or Apple Macintoshes, the time may not be set correctly in the operating system. In this case, the time procedure will give incorrect results.

##See also delay.html, clock.html, sysclock.html, wallclock.html and date.html statements.

See also predefined unit timemodule.html.

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