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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 3 revisions


##Syntax GUI.CreateMenu (name : string) : int

##Description Creates a menu and returns the menu's widget ID. The menu will be added after the other menus in the menu bar. If there are no previous menus, then a menu bar is automatically created and the menu added.

The name parameter specifies the text that appears in the menu bar.

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A Menu With an Item Selected

Menus are used in most modern interfaces. In order to create a full set of menus, you must create the menu and then create the menu items in that menu. The menus are automatically added to the menu bar of the selected menu.

As of the v1.0 release of the GUI Library, it is an error to create a menu item without having created a menu first. In future releases it will be possible to create menus and attach and remove them from menu bars when desired.

##Example The following program creates a series of menus with menu items in them. It then disables the second menu.

    import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI"
    View.Set ("graphics:250;150,nobuttonbar")
    var first, second : int     % The menus.
    var item : array 1 .. 12 of int % The menu items.
    var name : array 1 .. 12 of string (20) := 
        init ("Quit", "---", "A", "B", "---", "C", "D", 
        "Disable B Menu Item", "Enable B Menu Item", "---", 
        "Disable Second Menu", "Enable Second Menu")
    procedure MenuSelected
        for i : 1 .. 12
            if item (i) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then
                Text.Locate (maxrow, 1)
                put name (i) + " selected               " ..
            end if
        end for
    end MenuSelected
    procedure DisableB
        GUI.Disable (item (4))
    end DisableB
    procedure EnableB
        GUI.Enable (item (4))
    end EnableB
    procedure DisableFirst
        GUI.Disable (first)
    end DisableFirst
    procedure EnableFirst
        GUI.Enable (first)
    end EnableFirst
    % Create the menus
    first := GUI.CreateMenu ("First")
    item (1) := GUI.CreateMenuItem (name (1), GUI.Quit)
    for cnt : 2 .. 7
        item (cnt) := GUI.CreateMenuItem (name (cnt), 
    end for
    second := GUI.CreateMenu ("Second")
    item (8) := GUI.CreateMenuItem (name (8), DisableB)
    item (9) := GUI.CreateMenuItem (name (9), EnableB)
    item (10) := GUI.CreateMenuItem (name (10), MenuSelected)
    item (11) := GUI.CreateMenuItem (name (11), DisableFirst)
    item (12) := GUI.CreateMenuItem (name (12), EnableFirst)
        exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
    end loop

##Details When a menu is not enabled, the text in the menu bar is grayed out and clicking on the menu does not cause the menu to appear.

##Details The following GUI subprograms can be called with a menu as the widgetID parameter:

GUI.Show, GUI.Hide, GUI.Dispose, GUI.Enable, GUI.Disable

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling GUI.CreateMenu, not by calling CreateMenu.

##See also gui_createmenuitem_full-2.html for adding items to a menu. See also gui_showmenubar.html and gui_hidemenubar.html for showing and hiding the menu bar.

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