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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 3 revisions


##Syntax System.FetchArg ( i : int ) : string

##Description The Sys.FetchArg function is used to access the i-th argument that has been passed to a program from the command line. For example, if the program is run from the Turing environment using

:r file1 file2

then Sys.FetchArg (2) will return "file2". If a program called prog.x is run under UNIX using this command:

prog.x file1 file2

the value of Sys.FetchArg(2) will similarly be "file2".

The Sys.Nargs function, which gives the number of arguments passed to the program, is usually used together with the Sys.FetchArg function. Parameter i passed to Sys.FetchArg must be in the range 0 .. Sys.Nargs.

The 0-th argument is the name of the running program.

##Example This program lists its own name and its arguments.

    put "The name of this program is : ", Sys.FetchArg ( 0 )
    for i : 1 .. Sys.Nargs
        put "Argument ", i, " is ", Sys.FetchArg ( i )
    end for

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Sys.FetchArg, not by calling FetchArg.

##See also sys_nargs.html

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