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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Description This unit contains the predefined subprograms that handle windows. There are routines to open, close, hide, show and select windows.

All routines in the Window unit are exported qualified (and thus must be prefaced with "Window.").

##Details The predefined subprograms of the Window module all usewindow identifiers to indicate which window to act upon. The default Run window can be specified by using defWindID.For example, the following code causes the main Run window toappear and then blink on and off three times.

    % Output some data to make the Run window appear.
    put "Hello, World!"
    for i : 1 .. 3
        delay (1000)
        Window.Hide (defWinID)
        delay (1000)
        Window.Show (defWinID)
    end for
    put "How are you?"

##Entry Points

window_open.html Opens a new execution window. window_close.html Closes an execution window. window_select.html Selects an execution window for output. window_getselect.html Returns the currently-selected execution window. window_setactive.html Selects and activate (make front-most) an execution window. window_getactive.html Gets the current active window. window_getposition.html Get the screen position of an execution window. window_setposition.html Set the screen position of an execution window. window_hide.html Hides an execution window. window_show.html Shows the current execution window. window_set.html Sets the configuration of the execution window. window_update.html Updates the onscreen window from the offscreen bitmap.

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