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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Syntax Window.SetPosition (windowID : int, x, y : int)

##Description The Window.SetPosition procedure moves the location of the specified execution window on the screen. x and y specify the lower left corner of the window in screen coordinates. (0, 0) is the lower left corner of the screen.

##Example The following program opens four windows, one at each corner of the screen.

    % Constants for windows
    const titleBarHeight : int := 21
    const windowEdgeSize : int := 13
    % Calculate the actual size of a window
    var windowWidth : int := maxx + windowEdgeSize
    var windowHeight : int := maxy + windowEdgeSize + titleBarHeight
    % Get the screen size
    var screenWidth : int := Config.Display (cdScreenWidth)
    var screenHeight : int := Config.Display (cdScreenHeight)
    % Open the window
    var winID1 : int := Window.Open ("title:Upper Right")
    Window.SetPosition (winID1, screenWidth  windowWidth,                   screenHeight  windowHeight)
    var winID2 : int := Window.Open ("title:Upper Left")
    Window.SetPosition (winID2, 0, screenHeight  windowHeight)
    var winID3 : int := Window.Open ("title:Lower Left")
    Window.SetPosition (winID3, 0, 0)
    var winID4 : int := Window.Open ("title:Lower Right")
    Window.SetPosition (winID4, screenWidth  windowWidth, 0)

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the function by calling Window.SetPosition, not by calling SetPosition.

##See also window_getposition.html to get the current window position and config_display.html to get the size of the screen.

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