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Tristan Hume edited this page Apr 23, 2012 · 2 revisions


##Syntax GUI.SelectRadio (widgetID : int)

##Description Selects a radio button specified by widgetID. The previously-selected radio button is "de-selected". The action procedure of the radio button is called.

##Example The following program creates siz radio buttons. Selecting one of the buttons cause the bottom two radio buttons to become selected.

    import GUI in "%oot/lib/GUI" 
    View.Set ("graphics:350;110") 
    var radio : array 1 .. 6 of int     % The radio button IDs.
    procedure RadioPressed
        Text.Locate (1, 1)
        for i : 1 .. 6
            if radio (i) = GUI.GetEventWidgetID then
                put "Radio Button " , i, " Selected"
            end if
        end for
    end RadioPressed
    procedure Select
        GUI.SelectRadio (radio (3))
        GUI.SelectRadio (radio (6))
    end Select
    radio (1) := GUI.CreateRadioButton (15, maxy  35, 
        "Radio Button 1", 0, RadioPressed)
    radio (2) := GUI.CreateRadioButton ( 1, 1, "Radio Button 2", 
        radio (1), RadioPressed)
    radio (3) := GUI.CreateRadioButton ( 1, 1, "Radio Button 3",
        radio (2), RadioPressed)
    radio (4) := GUI.CreateRadioButtonFull (maxx  15, maxy  35,
        "Radio Button 4", 0, RadioPressed, GUI.RIGHT, GUI.NONE)
    radio (5) := GUI.CreateRadioButtonFull ( 1, 1, "Radio Button 5", 
        radio (4), RadioPressed, GUI.RIGHT, GUI.NONE)
    radio (6) := GUI.CreateRadioButtonFull ( 1, 1, "Radio Button 6",
        radio (5), RadioPressed, GUI.RIGHT, GUI.NONE)
    var selectButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (15, 10, 100, 
        "Select Bottom Buttons", Select)
    var quitButton : int := GUI.CreateButton (maxx  15  100, 10, 100,  
        "Quit", GUI.Quit)loop
        exit when GUI.ProcessEvent
    end loop

##Status Exported qualified.

This means that you can only call the procedures by calling GUI.SelectRadio, not by calling SelectRadio.

##See also GUI.CreateRadioButton and GUI.CreatePictureRadioButton.

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