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share music

DANIELE-XPS15\danie edited this page Jun 24, 2018 · 1 revision

Share Music and Playlists


This allows you to share original Sora exported playlists with ALL other users of Sora! You can also vote on playlists.

If this system seems very complicated, just join the support guild and I can explain it further.


Command Alias Parameter Example Output
privateplaylist private, unlisted UrlToHastebin title of playlist │tag;anothertag;edm $private hastebinUrl my awesome playlist │ edm;rock Creates a private playlist. Won't show up in search!
shareplaylist share UrlToHastebin title of playlist │tag;anothertag;edm $share hastebinUrl my awesome playlist │ edm;rock Creates and shares a public playlist. Other users can find it by searching by tag or name
setprivate private UrlToHastebin $setprivate HastebinUrl Sets a public playlist to private
setpublic public UrlToHastebin $setpublic HastebinUrl Sets a private playlist to public
upvote uv, voteup, up HastebinUrl $upvote HastebinUrl Upvotes the playlist you give the URL to!
downvote dv, votedown, down HastebinUrl $downvote HastebinUrl Downvotes the playlist you give the URL to!
playlists allplaylists, bestplaylists, allshared, bestshared none $playlists Shows all the playlists shared by other users ordered by votes
search name searchname, sn Name of playlist $sn Starset Searches for playlists by name
search tag searchtag, st, search tags, searchtags tags;to;search $st edm;rock;trap Search for playlists by tags. It will show playlists that contain at least one, but sort by how many tags are contained and upvotes!
myshared myplaylist, myplaylists, myshare none $myshared Shows all playlists you shared! (Private and Public)
removeshared removeplaylist, rs, rp HastebinUrl $rs HastebinUrl Removes a playlist you shared with the specified HastebinUrl
editshare editplaylist, es, ep UrlToHastebin title of playlist │tag;anothertag;edm $es hastebinUrl my awesome playlist │ edm;rock Edits a playlist you shared if you made a mistake in the name or tags
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