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self assignable roles

Serenity edited this page Jul 25, 2018 · 2 revisions

Self-assignable Roles (SAR)


SARs can be added in MANY different ways. Below you see all of them listed in detail


You can add a sar free of any charge so anyone can get them by using $iam role.

Add with

$asar role

Need to Buy

You can add a cost to the role so users have to buy the role of which you (Guild Owner) get 50% of the cost.

Add with

$asar role 100

Buy and limited

You can also add a timelimit to the role. Meaning users need to buy the role and then only get to keep it for a certain amount of time.

Add with

$asar role 100 1 day 2 hours 10 s


Command Alias Parameter Example Output Permissions
addsar asar, addrole RoleName, [cost], [expired] $asar update / $asar update 100 2 days 12 h 10s Adds the role to the list of self-assignable roles in the guild Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin role
expiring expires none $expires Shows all your expiring sars in the current Guild none
defaultrole drole, default RoleName $default pleb Sets a default role for new members that join Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin role
toggledefault toggledef none $toggledefault Toggles if the default role should be assigned or not Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin role
rmsar rsar, rmrole, delrole RoleName $rmsar update Removes a self-assignable role from the list Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin role
iam sar RoleName $iam update Assigns a self-assignable role to you none
iamnot none RoleName $iamnot update Removes a self-assignable role from you if you have it none
sarlist getlist, sars, lsar none $lsar Gives you the list of all self-assignable roles in the guild none
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