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play music

DANIELE-XPS15\danie edited this page Jun 24, 2018 · 1 revision

Play Music


This entire portion of the bot is written in Java as it's much better than the c# equivalent.


Most of these commands can get restricted if you restrict it to the Sora-DJ role. So only users with that role can interact with the music bot. More info about that in the wiki as well!


Command Alias Parameter Example Output
join joinvoice none $join Joins your Voice Channel
leave leavevoice none $leave Leaves your Voice Channel
play playsong, add LinkToSong $play some YT link or other links. Will add the song to queue. Youtube, youtube playlists, soundcloud and more are supported. Just try and see if it works ;) (Will also play the player if paused)
lyrics searchlyrics Name of song and optionally artist $lyrics never enough by Loren Allred Will search the lyrics of the song specified and display in Discord when found. If the lyrics is over 2048 characters the embed will paginate and the thumbnail will be removed.
skip next [amount] $skip / $skip 10 Skips the current song, if you add an amount it will skip that amount of songs
np none none $np Shows you which song is playing right now
queue list none $queue Shows the first couple songs of the current queue
pause none none $pause Pauses the current player
continue none none $continue Continues the player if paused
export none none $export Exports the entire current Queue and gives you a link in return. This one you can then share with all other Sora users over the Music share feature (also in this wiki) or import later for yourself to listen to it again
import none LinkToExportedQueue $import hastebin URL Imports an originally exported sora list (also compatible with exports from fredboat!)
clear none none $clear Clears the entire current queue
listen listenmoe,, moe none $moe Clears the queue and starts the stream! Sadly the now playing doesn't work but you can listen to weeb music so whatever owo
shuffle none none $shuffle Shuffles the entire queue. This is not reversable
repeatsong replaysong, rsong none $repeatsong Repeats the current song indefinitely until you trigger the command again. Its a toggle
repeatplaylist replayplaylist, repeatqueue, rqueue, rplaylist none $repeatplaylist Repeats the current queue until triggered again. Its also a toggle
yt youtube Name of video $yt No Glory Searches YT for videos and lets you choose which one to import. Just follow the instructions there
sc soundcloud Name of song $sc To Heal Searches soundcloud for songs and gives you a list to choose from
select none Index $select 3 When you searched yt or sc you can select which entry to add when providing the index!
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