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level and profile

Serenity edited this page Aug 4, 2018 · 2 revisions

Leveling and Profile


The EXP you gain is global on all guilds Sora is on. There is a leaderboard for global and local. Local means it shows the highest levels of all users in YOUR guild. Global shows ALL users.
NOTE: Once you reach level 10 you can set your own CUSTOM BG for Sora. Instead of having presets, you can use ANY link to an image on the internet or attach it directly to your message! Sora will try to crop it and make it fit ;)


Profile Card


Command Alias Parameter Example Output
profile p [@user] $p @Serenity Shows the profile card. If no user is @mentioned it will show yours, otherwise theirs.
togglenotify subscribe, sub, subep none $sub This will toggle if you get notified if you lvl up by sora or not (via DM). Default is turned off
setbackground setbg, bg EITHER: Link to image on the internet OR: Upload an image to discord and add the command as comment! $setbg http://someimage.jpg Sets your custom profile bg. Remember you need to be lvl 10 to do this
removebackground removebg, rbg, defaultcard none $rbg Removes your current background and goes back to using the default slim profile card
top10 top, localtop, localtop10, t10, leaderboard none $top10 Shows a list of the top 10 users in this guild by EXP
globaltop10 globaltop, globalt, top10globally, gt10, global top10, gtop10 and more.. none $gtop10 Shows a list of the top 10 users GLOBALLY
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