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DANIELE-XPS15\danie edited this page Jun 24, 2018 · 1 revision

Custom Join / Leave Announcements


Sora has some default join and leave messages in place. If you only specify a channel – but no messages – he will use those. NOTE If you use embeds make sure you don't need the user to be @mentioned. Mentions in Embeds create a clickable profile, but DON'T actually mention the user.

  • {user} Will be replaced with a @mention of the user joining
  • {user#} Will replace it with a Username#Discriminator
  • {server} Will replace it with the Server name
  • {count}Will replace it with the current Member count


Command Alias Parameter Example Output Permissions
welcome setwelcome #channel Welcome Message $welcome #general Welcome {user} to **{server}**! Will replace {} (if used correctly) with the specific info and post it in the specified channel if a user joins! Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin Role
setleave none #channel Leave Message $leave #general {User#} left. Current member count => {count} Same as above just when a user leaves Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin Role
rmwelcome removewelcome, rmw none $rmwelcome Removes the welcome channel and thus won't make any more join announcements! Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin Role
rmleave removeleave, rml none $rmleave Same as above just with leave announcements Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin Role
welcomemsg welcomemessage, wmsg, setwelcomemsg Welcome Message $wmsg Welcome {user} to {server} This changes the welcome message! If you haven't set a channel yet though, no announcements will be done! Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin Role
leavemsg leavemessage, lmsg, setleavemsg Leave message $lmsg User {user#} left {server} Same as above just with leave! Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin Role
welcomechan welcomechannel, wchan, setwelcomechan #channel $wchan #general Sets the welcome channel and starts making announcements when users join Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin Role
leavechan leavechannel, lchan, setleavechan #channel $lchan #general Same as above just with leave! Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin Role
togglewelcome togglew, tw none $tw Toggles if the welcome announcements are in or out of embeds. Read the NOTE Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin Role
toggleleave togglel none $tl Same as above just with leave! Administrator permissions or the Sora-Admin Role
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