A nice collection of day-to-day Sidef scripts.
- Blockchain
- Compression
- Converters
- Decoding
- Digest
- Encoding
- Adaptive huffman coding
- Adaptive huffman coding with escape symbols
- Adaptive huffman coding with escape symbols 2
- Arithmetic coding
- Arithmetic coding in fixed bits
- Arithmetic coding integer
- Arithmetic coding rational
- Binary variable length run encoding
- Burrows-wheeler transform
- Burrows-wheeler transform fast
- Burrows-wheeler transform linear
- Burrows-wheeler transform symbolic
- Caesar cipher
- Delta encoding with double-elias coding
- Delta encoding with elias coding
- Delta encoding with unary coding
- Delta rle elias encoding
- Huffman coding
- Huffman prime encoding
- Integers binary encoding
- Log encode
- Lz77 compression
- Lzss encoding hash table
- Lzss encoding hash table fast
- Lzw compression
- Move-to-front transform
- Ppm encoding
- Ppm encoding dynamic
- RANS encoding
- Run length encoding
- Run length with elias coding
- Substitution cipher
- Variable length run encoding
- Variable length run encoding 2
- Vinegere cipher
- Encryption
- File
- Game solvers
- Games
- Genetic
- Graph
- Image
- Barnsley fern
- Barnsley fern ifs
- Chaos game
- Color wheel
- Curlicue fractal
- Dragon curve
- Fractal tree
- Hilbert curve
- Image difference
- Koch snowflake
- LSystem
- Peano curve
- Plant 1
- Plant 2
- Plasma effect
- Pythagoras tree
- Qoi decoder
- Qoi decoder gd
- Qoi decoder magick
- Qoi encoder
- Sierpinski arrowhead curve
- Sierpinski curve
- Sierpinski square curve
- Sierpinski triangle
- Voronoi diagram
- Math
- Achilles numbers
- AGM calculate pi
- Aitken's array
- Akiyama-tanigawa numerators
- Aks primality test
- Aks primality test n-1 variant
- Almost divisors
- Almost prime divisors
- Almost prime numbers
- Almost prime numbers from factor set
- Almost prime numbers in range
- Archimedes's cattle problem
- Arithmetic-geometric-harmonic mean
- Arithmetic-geometric mean
- Arithmetic-harmonic mean
- Arithmetic convolution
- Arithmetic derivative
- Armstrong numbers
- Baillie-PSW high-level
- Batch gcd algorithm
- BBP-type formulae
- Bell numbers
- Bernoulli approx
- Bernoulli denominators
- Bernoulli numbers from factorials
- Bernoulli numbers from pascal triangle
- Bernoulli numbers from pascal triangle 2
- Bernoulli numbers from pascal triangle 3
- Bernoulli numbers from primes
- Bernoulli numbers from zeta
- Bernoulli numbers new recurrence
- Bernoulli numbers new recurrence 2
- Bernoulli numbers numberphile
- Bernoulli numbers ramanujan congruences
- Bernoulli numbers recurrence
- Bernoulli numbers recurrence 2
- Bernoulli numbers seidel
- Bi-unitary divisors
- Bi-unitary sigma
- Bi-unitary totient
- Binary exponentiation
- Binary gcd algorithm
- Binomial real
- Binomial theorem
- Binomial transform
- Bisected hypotenuse
- Blandin-diaz compositional bernoulli numbers B S 1
- Blandin-diaz compositional bernoulli numbers B S 1 2
- Blandin-diaz compositional bernoulli numbers B Z 1
- Blandin-diaz compositional bernoulli numbers B Z 1 2
- Both truncatable primes in base
- BPSW primality test
- Brilliant numbers count
- Carmichael factorization method
- Carmichael factorization method generalized
- Carmichael generation erdos method
- Carmichael generation erdos method dynamic programming
- Carmichael numbers in range
- Carmichael numbers upto
- Carmichael strong fermat pseudoprimes in range
- Cartesian product
- Cauchy numbers of first type recurrence
- Central trinomial triangle
- Champernowne constant nth digit
- Chebyshev factorization method
- Chernick-carmichael numbers
- Chernick-carmichael with n factors sieve
- Chinese factorization method
- Chinese factorization method 2
- Chinese modular exponentiation
- Chinese prime signature
- Chinese remainder theorem
- Chinese signature
- Cipolla algorithm
- Cipolla algorithm simple
- Cipolla modular square root
- Coin change
- Complex modular exponentiation
- Complex modular multiplicative inverse
- Complex modular multiplicative inverse 2
- Complex zeta function representations
- Conditional euler totient function
- Confluent hypergeometric function of the first kind
- Congruence of powers factorization method
- Congruence solution inverse of x minus n mod x equals n
- Congruence solution inverse of x plus n mod x equals n
- Consecutive partitions
- Constant-recursive factorization method
- Constant e to n decimal places
- Continued fraction
- Continued fraction factorization method
- Continued fraction factorization method simple
- Continued fraction to fraction
- Continued fractions convergents
- Continued fractions convergents fast
- Continued fractions for nth roots
- Convergents to cube root of 2
- Count of composite numbers
- Count of cube-full numbers
- Count of integers with gpf of n equals p
- Count of integers with lpf of n equals p
- Count of k-almost primes
- Count of k-almost primes in range
- Count of k-omega primes
- Count of k-powerfree numbers
- Count of k-powerful numbers
- Count of k-powerful numbers in range
- Count of palindromic numbers
- Count of perfect powers
- Count of primes
- Count of pythagorean triples with side n
- Count of rough numbers
- Count of smooth numbers
- Count of smooth numbers 2
- Count of square-full numbers
- Count of squarefree k-almost primes
- Count of squarefree numbers
- Cousin mersenne primes lucas-lehmer
- CRT polynomial multiplication
- Cuban primes
- Cube-full numbers
- Cyclops numbers
- Cyclotomic factorization method
- Cyclotomic polynomial
- Cyclotomic polynomials expansion
- Cyclotomic polynomials expansion native
- Derivative numerical approximation
- Difference of matrices factorization method
- Difference of powers factorization method
- Difference of two rectangles solutions
- Difference of two squares solutions
- Digamma function
- Digit-segmentation square root representation
- Digit-sum numbers
- Digits to number subquadratic algorithms
- Dirichlet convolution
- Dirichlet hyperbola method
- Discrete fourier transform
- Divisor of p-1 factorization method
- Divisors less than k
- Divisors of factorial in range iterator
- Double summation formula
- Draw grid of squares
- Eisenstein integers
- Elementary cellular automaton
- Elementary cellular automaton generalized
- Elliptic-curve factorization method
- Elliptic-curve factorization method with B2 stage
- Equally spaced squares solutions
- Esthetic numbers
- Euler-maclaurin formula
- Euler numbers from factorials
- Euler's totient theorem expmod
- Exact division
- Exact division 2
- Exponential divisors
- Exponential inverse
- Exponential sigma
- Extended greatest common divisor
- Factorial approximation bernoulli
- Factorial approximation from incomplete gamma
- Factorial approximations
- Factorial dsc algorithm
- Factorial expansion
- Factorial valuation generalized
- Factorization of fibonacci numbers
- Farey factorization method
- Farey fraction approximations
- Farey fraction approximations 2
- Farey sequences
- Fast fourier transform
- Faulhaber double series
- Faulhaber root
- Faulhaber's formula
- Faulhaber's polynomials
- Faulhaber's triangle
- Faulhaber's triangle polynomial interpolation
- Fermat factorization improved
- Fermat factorization method
- Fermat factorization method 2
- Fermat hybrid factorization method
- Fermat numbers find small factor
- Fermat overpseudoprimes generation
- Fermat overpseudoprimes in range
- Fermat pseudoprimes generation
- Fermat pseudoprimes generation 2
- Fermat pseudoprimes generation 3
- Fermat pseudoprimes in range
- Fermat strong primality test
- Fermat superpseudoprimes generation
- Fibonacci-fermat primality test
- Fibonacci closed solution
- Fibonacci encoding
- Fibonacci factorization method
- Fibonacci first and last k digits
- Fibonacci first k digits in base b
- Fibonacci k-th order
- Fibonacci k-th order 2
- Fibonacci k-th order efficient algorithm
- Fibonacci k-th order period
- Fibonacci number divisible by n
- Fibonacci number fast
- Fibonacci polynomial numbers
- Fibonacci pseudoprimes from twin primes
- Fibonacci word fractal
- Flt factorization method
- Fraction approximation
- Frobenius primality test
- Frobenius primality test polynomial
- Frobenius pseudoprimes generation
- Fubini numbers
- Function inverse binary search
- Function inverse mediant inequality
- Fusc function
- Gamma function
- Gauss logarithm approx
- Gaussian divisors
- Gaussian elimination GF2 matrix
- Gaussian factors
- Gaussian integers
- Gaussian representations
- Generalized bernoulli numbers
- Generalized continued fraction
- Generalized continued fraction parts iter
- Generalized expansion
- Generalized fibonacci closed-form
- Generalized fibonacci closed-form 2
- Generalized fibonacci closed-form 3
- Generalized lucas closed-form
- Generalized mean
- Generalized partial sums of sigma function
- Generate k-rough numbers
- Generate numbers with given edges
- Generate numbers with given subdigits
- Generate primes with a given digit sum
- Generate primes with digits in ascending order
- Generate primes with digits in descending order
- Generate primes with digits in nondecreasing order
- Generate primes with only one odd digit
- Generate primes with prime digits
- Geometric-harmonic mean
- Greatest common unitary divisor
- Greedy egyptian fractions
- Gregory coefficients
- Hamming numbers
- Harmonic numbers closed form
- Harmonic numbers from powers
- Harmonic numbers from powers simple
- Harmonic numbers of k-th order
- Harmonic prime powers
- Haversine formula
- Highly composite numbers
- Holf-pell factorization
- Holf factorization
- Home primes
- Infinitary divisors
- Infinitary sigma
- Infinitary totient
- Integer root
- Integer root binary search
- Integer square root
- Inverse of bernoulli numbers
- Inverse of euler totient
- Inverse of factorial
- Inverse of factorial stirling
- Inverse of factorial validation
- Inverse of fibonacci
- Inverse of multiplicative functions
- Inverse of sigma function
- Inverse of uphi function
- Inverse of usigma function
- Inverse znorder
- Invmod of coprime factorials
- Irregular triangle of n AND k
- Is almost prime
- Is bfsw pseudoprime
- Is both truncatable prime
- Is carmichael number
- Is even perfect
- Is even perfect 2
- Is extra bfsw pseudoprime
- Is infinitary divisor
- Is lucas-carmichael number
- Is omega prime
- Is perfect power
- Is perfect power fast
- Is practical number
- Is prob squarefree
- Is smooth over product
- Is squarefree over product
- Jacobi symbol
- Jordan polya numbers
- Julia set
- K-imperfect numbers
- K-non-powerfree numbers in range
- K-odd-powerful numbers in range
- K-powerful numbers
- K-powerful numbers in range
- Karatsuba multiplication
- Kempner binomial numbers
- Knapsack problem 0 1
- Knapsack problem bounded
- Knapsack problem unbounded
- Kosaraju's algorithm
- Krzysztof reformulated zeta function
- Laguerre polynomials
- LambertW function
- Lanczos approximation
- Largest factorial less than 10 to the 10 to the n
- Largest palindrome product
- Least prime factor sieve
- Left-right truncatable primes
- Left truncatable primes
- Left truncatable primes in base
- Legendary question six
- Legendre factorial
- Legendre prime counting function
- Legendre prime counting function from k-rough count
- Lehman factorization
- Levenshtein distance iter
- Levenshtein distance rec
- Limits for pi
- Linear congruential generator
- Linear diophantine equation
- Linear diophantine equation invmod search
- Linear recurrence matrix form
- Linked list addition
- Liouville sum function
- Log10 digit by digit
- Long addition
- Long multiplication
- Lu decomposition
- Lucas-carmichael generation erdos method
- Lucas-carmichael numbers in range
- Lucas-carmichael numbers upto
- Lucas-lehmer primality test
- Lucas-miller factorization method
- Lucas-pocklington primality proving
- Lucas-pratt primality proving
- Lucas factorization method
- Lucas factorization method generalized
- Lucas flt factorization method
- Lucas primality test
- Lucas pseudoprimes generation
- Lucas pseudoprimes generation erdos method
- Lucas restricted domain primality test
- Lucas sequences of k-th order
- Lucas sequences U V
- Lucas theorem
- Lucas V pseudoprime test
- LUP decomposition
- Mandelbrot set
- Mathematical formulas
- MBE factorization method
- Mertens function
- Miller-rabin factorization method
- Miller-rabin primality test
- Mills constant
- Modular bell numbers recurrence
- Modular bernoulli numbers numberphile
- Modular binomial fast
- Modular cyclotomic polynomial
- Modular elliptic-curve arithmetic
- Modular exponentiation
- Modular fibonacci number cassini
- Modular fibonacci number fast
- Modular hyperoperation
- Modular lucas sequence V
- Modular lucas sequences U V
- Modular multiplicative inverse
- Modular square root all solutions
- Modular tetration
- Moebius transform
- Moebius transform fast
- Moessner miracle
- Motzkin numbers
- Motzkin triangle
- Multiple modular multiplicative inversions
- Multiplicative order
- Multiplicative order from phi
- N-bit random prime
- Narcisistic harmonic numbers
- Near-power factorization method
- Newton's method for polynomials
- Next palindrome in base
- Non-bouncy numbers
- Nth composite
- Nth digit of fraction
- Nth k-powerfree
- Nth prime
- Nth prime power
- Nth root good rational approximations
- Nth smooth number
- Nth squarefree
- Number2expression
- Number of mXn arrays with rows being permutations
- Number of representations as sum of 3 triangles
- Number to continued fraction
- Number to digits subquadratic algorithm
- Number to digits subquadratic algorithm 2
- Number to expression form
- Numbers with digitsum
- Numbers with non decimal digits
- Numerical differentiation
- Omega prime divisors
- Omega prime numbers in range
- Ore's harmonic numbers
- Palindromic primes
- Partial sum of the alternating sum of divisors
- Partial sums of 2 to the bigomega of n
- Partial sums of core function
- Partial sums of dedekind psi function
- Partial sums of dedekind psi function recursive
- Partial sums of euler totient function
- Partial sums of euler totient function recursive
- Partial sums of euler totient function times k to the m
- Partial sums of exponential prime omega functions
- Partial sums of gcd-sum function
- Partial sums of gcd-sum function fast
- Partial sums of gpf
- Partial sums of inverse moebius transform of dedekind function
- Partial sums of jordan totient function
- Partial sums of jordan totient function times k to the m
- Partial sums of lcm count function
- Partial sums of lpf
- Partial sums of powerfree numbers
- Partial sums of powerfree part
- Partial sums of prime bigomega function
- Partial sums of prime omega function
- Partial sums of sigma function
- Partial sums of sigma function fast
- Partial sums of sigma function times k to the m
- Partial sums of squarefree numbers
- Partial sums recursive sublinear formula
- Partial sums recursive sublinear formula general
- Partial sums sublinear formula
- Partition function
- Pell-holf factorization
- Pell factorization
- Pell method for square roots
- Pepin-proth primality test generalized
- Perfect squares in catalan's triangle
- Permutations iter
- Permutations rec
- Phi finder factorization algorithm
- Pi from perimeters of polygons
- Pillai arithmetical function
- Pisano periods
- Pisano periods efficient algorithm
- Pisano periods of lucas U sequence
- Pocklington-pratt primality proving
- Pollard-brent rho factor
- Pollard-gauss factorization method
- Pollard-strassen factorization method
- Pollard-strassen factorization method no polynomials
- Pollard-strassen factorization method polymod
- Pollard p-1 factorization
- Pollard rho-exp factorization
- Pollard rho factorization
- Polygonal representations
- Polynomial factorization in finite field
- Polynomial factorization monte carlo
- Polynomial interpolation
- Polynomial regression
- Polynomial roots
- Pomerance condition for bpsw counter-example
- Power divisors
- Power integers
- Power of 2 plus 3 primes lucas-lehmer
- Power of 2 plus 5 primes lucas-lehmer
- Power sigma
- Power unitary divisors
- Power usigma
- Powerfree divisors
- Powerfree sigma
- Powerfree usigma
- Primality precheck
- Primality testing fermat fourier
- Primality testing wilson fourier
- Prime big omega function generalized
- Prime big omega function generalized old
- Prime omega function generalized
- Prime power counting function
- Prime recursive representation
- Primitive part of a function
- Primorial deflation
- Problem of apollonius
- Product of prime sigmas of divisors
- Product of primes approx
- Product tree
- PSW primality test
- Pythagorean means
- Quadratic-integer factorization method
- Quadratic form representations
- Quadratic formula solution approx
- Quadratic frobenius primality test
- Quadratic frobenius primality test explicit
- Quadratic integers
- Quaternion integer primality test
- Quaternion integers
- Rabin encryption method
- Ramanujan sum
- Rational approximations
- Recaman-like sequence
- Recaman's sequence
- Recursive gcd prime generator
- Recursive summation of fractions
- Reformulation of the arctangent function
- Remainder tree
- Repunits from repunits
- Right truncatable primes
- Right truncatable primes in base
- Roots of unity convergents
- Round half to even
- RSA algorithm
- Same squarefree kernel
- Secant numbers
- Semiconvergents
- Semiprime count
- Sequence polynomial closed form
- Sequence succesive differences
- Shor's algorithm
- Sierpinski diamond
- Sierpinski sidef
- Sierpinski triangle
- Sierpinski triangle 90
- Sierpinski x
- Sigma of product of binomials
- Siqs factorization
- Smallest carmichael divisible by n
- Smallest carmichael divisible by n faster
- Smallest k-gonal inverse
- Smallest lucas-carmichael divisible by n
- Smallest lucas-carmichael divisible by n faster
- Smallest number with at least n divisors
- Smallest number with n divisors
- Smallest number with n odd divisors
- Solovay-strassen primality test
- Solve cubic equation
- Solve cubic equation real
- Solve linear congruence equation
- Solve modular quadratic equation
- Solve pell equation
- Solve quadratic diophantine reciprocals
- Solve reciprocal pythagorean equation
- Solve recursive sequence
- Solve sequence
- Sophie germain factorization method
- Sophie germain factorization method fast
- Special factorization identity
- Split summation
- Sqrt 2 approximation
- Sqrt convergents
- Square-full numbers
- Square congruence lookup factorization
- Square form factorization method
- Square product subsets
- Square root arithmetic-harmonic mean
- Square root good rational approximations
- Square root modulo n
- Square root modulo n tonelli-shanks
- Squarefree almost primes in range
- Squarefree fermat overpseudoprimes in range
- Squarefree fermat pseudoprimes in range
- Squarefree lucas U pseudoprimes in range
- Squarefree strong fermat pseudoprimes in range
- Stable marriage problem
- Stern brocot continued fraction
- Stern brocot encoding
- Stern brocot encoding matrix form
- Stirling factorial correction terms
- Strange numbers in base n
- Strong fermat pseudoprimes in range
- Sub-unit squares
- Substring primes in base n
- Sum of cubes function nonnegative recursive
- Sum of cubes function recursive
- Sum of digits subquadratic algorithm
- Sum of k-almost primes
- Sum of k-omega primes
- Sum of k-powerful numbers
- Sum of k-powerful numbers in range
- Sum of nth power digits
- Sum of number of divisors of gcd x y
- Sum of number of unitary divisors
- Sum of perfect powers
- Sum of polygonal numbers function recursive
- Sum of prime-power exponents of factorial
- Sum of prime-power exponents of product of binomials
- Sum of prime powers
- Sum of primes
- Sum of remainders
- Sum of squarefree k-almost primes
- Sum of squares function identities
- Sum of squares function recursive
- Sum of two rectangles solutions
- Sum of two squares solutions
- Sum of two squares solutions tonelli-shanks
- Sums of power sums formula
- Superfactorial and hyperfactorial
- Symbolic math
- System of linear equations
- Tangent numbers
- Tonelli shanks algorithm
- Tower of distinct powers
- Tower of powers inverse
- Towers of hanoi
- Trial division fast
- Trial division with primorials
- Tribonacci closed form
- Tribonacci numbers
- Tribonacci primality test
- Twin primes from partial products
- Unitary divisors
- Unitary powerfree divisors
- Unitary powerfree sigma
- Unreduced continued fractions
- Unreduced fractions
- Vampire numbers
- Viete-like formulas
- Viswanath's constant conjecture
- Weighted prime power count
- Y combinator
- Zeta 2n
- Zeta 3 fast convergence
- Zeta derivative at trivial zeros
- Other
- PL
- Probability
- Search
- Simulation
- Socket
- Sort
- Term
- Text
- Time