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redcap export report

Peter Lewis edited this page Mar 8, 2022 · 1 revision

redcap-export-report exports a data report from REDCap.

Parameter Description
host Server hostname
token Authentication token (project and user specific!)
report The unique REDCap ID of the report, as a string
xargs Optional parameters; see below

Optional parameters must come in pairs of 'symbol "string".

Optional Parameter Description
'format "[fmt]" Sets desired output format. "[fmt]" may be one of "csv", "xml", or "json" (which will return a Scheme json object). Default is "json".
'tables #t/#f Specify whether to use tables if the format is "json". Default is #f. Should be set to #t if (json-set-options! tables: #t) has been used.


Example 1: Exporting a report.

> (define redcap:token "54CC....CC10")
> (define redcap:hostname "")
> (define reportID "1234")
> (redcap-export-report redcap:hostname redcap:token reportID)
((("record_id" . "id_1") ("field_1" . "val_1_1") ("field_2" . "val_2_1") ... )
 (("record_id" . "id_2") ("field_1" . "val_1_2") ("field_2" . "val_2_2") ... )
 (("record_id" . "id_3") ("field_1" . "val_1_3") ("field_2" . "val_2_3") ... )...)

Example 2: Exporting a report in CSV format.

> (define redcap:token "54CC....CC10")
> (define redcap:hostname "")
> (define reportID "1234")
> (redcap-export-report redcap:hostname redcap:token reportID 'format "csv")

Example 2: Exporting a report as JSON using tables

Returns a list of tables, where each table is a record containing key-value pairs of field:value

> (define redcap:token "54CC....CC10")
> (define redcap:hostname "")
> (define reportID "1234")
> (json-set-options! tables: #t)
> (redcap-export-report redcap:hostname redcap:token reportID 'tables #t)
(<table1> <table2> <table3> ... )
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