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glgui button string
Jonathan Chan edited this page Jun 12, 2018
4 revisions
glgui-button-string creates a button with a string label. It supports the generation of a toggle button by specifying a list of strings.
Parameter | Description |
g | Graphical User Interface (GUI) for this widget |
x | Lower left corner along the x-axis in pixels |
y | Lower left corner along the y-axis in pixels |
w | Width of the element in pixels |
h | Height of the element in pixels |
str | String or a list of strings to use as labels of a toggle button. To update the string(s) later, set parameter 'image. If a non-toggle button, set to a list of 1 item. For example, (list "string"). |
fnt | Font to be render the string in |
callback | Function to be called if button is pressed |
icon | Optional: Image texture to use as an icon to the left of the string label. This can also be a list of icons which will be used with a toggle button. |
Example 1 from apps/DemoHelloWorld/main.scm,
(define (button-callback g w t x y)
(let ((oldcolor (glgui-widget-get g w 'color)))
(if ahooga (audiofile-play ahooga))
(glgui-widget-set! g w 'color (if (= oldcolor White) Red White))
(set! b (glgui-button-string gui bx by bw bh "Me too!!!" ascii_18.fnt button-callback))
Besides the parameters set in the above procedure, the widget has the following attributes that can be set using glgui-widget-set! and retrieved using glgui-widget-get:
Attribute | Default Value | Description |
value | 0 | If this is a toggle button (a list of strings was given) then this is the index of the currently selected section of the button. |
toggle-selected-color | Grey | This is the background color of the selected section of a toggle button. |
toggle-normal-color | DimGrey | This is the background color of the non-selected section(s) of a toggle button. |
button-selected-color | Grey | This is the background color of the (non-toggle) button when the mouse (finger) is down on it. |
button-normal-color | DimGrey | This is the normal background color of the (non-toggle) button (when the mouse is not down on it). |
solid-color | False | By default, the button background is a texture with a gradient which is partially transparent. If solid-color is set to false, this texture is not used and instead just the above color attributes are used, 100% opaque. |
rounded | True | If true, the button is a rounded rectangle shape. Otherwise, the button is a rectangle. |
multiline | False | If true, the string label will be wrapped to extra lines if necessary to fit or if newline characters are used. |
align | GUI_ALIGNCENTER | The alignment of the text on the button. |
direction | GUI_LEFTTORIGHT | This is only used if multiline is true and specifies which way to wrap to the next line of text. If set to GUI_RIGHTTOLEFT then text is wrapped with the right end of the string on the top line and the left end on the bottom line, useful for right-to-left languages. |
icon-space | 5 | This is only used if icon is not false. This is the space in pixels between the text and the icon (vertically or horizontally depending on the below parameter). |
icon-align | GUI_ALIGNLEFT | The side the icon is on compared to the text. Choose from GUI_ALIGNLEFT, GUI_ALIGNRIGHT, GUI_ALIGNTOP and GUI_ALIGNBOTTOM. |
copyable? | False | If true, the label's text can be copied by longpressing on the label and tapping on "COPY". |
pastable? | False | If true, the label's text can be pasted to by longpressing on the label and tapping on "PASTE". The text in the clipboard (if any) will be pasted to the position given by 'focuspos . |
Example 2: Aligns the "Me Too!!!" text from Example 1 to the left and makes the background a solid color. It changes the normal background color of the button to Dark Green which changes to Green when the mouse is down on it.
(glgui-widget-set! gui b 'align GUI_ALIGNLEFT)
(glgui-widget-set! gui b 'solid-color #t)
(glgui-widget-set! gui b 'button-normal-color DarkGreen)
(glgui-widget-set! gui b 'button-selected-color Green)
Example 3: Changes text of a toggle button to "a" and "b"
(glgui-widget-set! gui w 'image (map list (list ("a" "b"))))
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