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Text Rendering Overview

herm edited this page Feb 5, 2012 · 15 revisions


This page aims to give an explanation of how all the parts in rendering a TextSymbolizer play together. Only important functions and members are documented here.

Visual representation

  • Black: Class dependencies
  • Dashed: Pointers
  • Solid: Members
  • Red: Rendering dependencies



As its only property contains a pointer to a text_placements object.


(Abstract class) This object handles the management of all TextSymbolizer properties. It can be used as a base class for own objects which implement new processing semantics. Basically this class just makes sure a pointer of the right class is returned by the get_placement_info call.


  • get_placement_info: (Abstract function) Get a text_ placement_info object to use in rendering. The returned object creates a list of settings which is used to try to find a placement and stores all information that is generated by the placement finder.

This function usually is implemented as

     return text_placement_info_ptr(new text_placement_info_XXX(this));
  • get_all_expressions: Get a list of all expressions used in any placement. This function is used to collect attributes.


All properties are grouped into a class text_symbolizer_properties accessible via public member properties. They are used by subclasses as their default settings.

Implemented subclasses

  • text_placements_dummy Always takes the default value.
  • text_placement_simple Parse a simple string and created placement based on this string.
  • text_placement_list Take placements from a list


(Abstract class) Generate a possible placement and store results of placement_finder. This placement has first to be tested by placement_finder to verify it can actually be used.


  • Constructor: Takes the parent text_placements object as a parameter to read defaults from it.
  • next: (Abstact function) Get next placement. This function is also called before the first placement is tried.
  • init: Initialize values used by placement finder. These values are provided by the renderer and can't be derived from TextSymbolizer properties.


  • properties: Properties actually used by placement finder and renderer. Values in here are modified each time next() is called.
  • placements: List of text_paths returned by placement finder. One for each placement.
  • Some values from the renderer.
  • Values returned by placement_finder.


List of all characters and their positions and formats for a placement. Produced by placement_finder, consumed by the renderer.


Contains all text symbolizer properties which are directly related to text formating.


  • set_values_from_xml: Load all values and also the processor object from XML ptree.
  • to_xml: Save all values to XML ptree (but does not create a new parent node!).


Contains all text symbolizer properties. Also stores formating information and uses this to produce formated text for a given feature.


  • tree_ (format_tree()/set_format_tree()): A tree of formating::nodes which contain text and formating information


  • from_xml: Load all values and also the processor object from XML ptree.
  • to_xml: Save all values to XML ptree (but does not create a new parent node!).
  • get_all_expressions: Get a list of all expressions used in any placement. This function is used to collect attributes.
  • process: Takes a feature and produces formated text as output. The output processed_text object has to be created by the caller and passed in for thread safety.
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