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Dane Springmeyer edited this page Nov 21, 2011 · 1 revision

Mapnik BuildBot

How it works

Mapnik developer Beau Gunderson hosts a "master" buildbot instance here:

This instance watches Mapnik svn for new commits and re-builds mapnik with each code change.

Currently on the main 'miranda' server we have both a "slave" that tests Mapnik compile/build/tests on freebsd and another that does it Ubuntu8.10

Setting up a new Slave

If you have a machine that has good network connectivity and at least 500 MB available ram (no static IP needed) then adding it as a "slave" is easy:

We are looking for all possible unix, linux, and mac osx flavors and various boost versions (especially 1_34 and the latest releases)

Install buildbot:

# or use package management...
# easy_install twisted
# easy_install buildbot
# easy_install nose

Add a unix user called 'mapnikslave':

# adduser mapnikslave

Email Beau (beau - at - with your desired (essentially a username),, and desired 'Builder' name.

Builder names should be descriptive, like 'springmeyer-Ubuntu-8.10-i686', including something like 'person-platform-version-arch'.

Beau will set up a 'Builder' record for you that is associated with your slavename/password.

Then create this instance (you can also do this before and edit the details later):

# buildbot create-slave /home/mapnikslave/Buildbot <slave name> <password>

This will create a Buildbot folder and config files that look like:

$ more Buildbot/buildbot.tac 

from twisted.application import service
from import BuildSlave

basedir = r'/home/mapnikslave/Buildbot'
buildmaster_host = ''
port = 9989
slavename = 'SLAVENAME'
passwd = 'PASSWORD'
keepalive = 60
usepty = 1
umask = None

application = service.Application('buildslave')
s = BuildSlave(buildmaster_host, port, slavename, passwd, basedir,
               keepalive, usepty, umask=umask)

To start the server then do:

cd ~/
buildbot start Buildbot

This process should daemonize (and talk with the master) and you'll only need to restart it when you reboot

To Do

Currently the Master setup is a bit hardcoded and requires a 'user' named 'mapnikslave' in a /home directory common on linux.

But, this does not work for systems without /home directories (like OS X), so we need to investigate making the primary build master config a bit more flexible (

Also, it would be cool to be able to kick off, and get results back from #mapnik irc.

Currently the 'master.cfg' looks like:

If you can figure out a way to have buildbot put the files in the same
place on both our machines without specifying it like that I would be
more than willing to set it up!

I will attach the current 'master.cfg' for the build master--have a
look and see if there's anything we can add to the build to make a
relative path work, maybe? I tried that and scons installed files
relative to where they were compiled from and not from a single
directory relative to the path scons was run from.

Here it is:

c = BuildmasterConfig = {}


from buildbot.buildslave import BuildSlave
c['slaves'] = [
        BuildSlave("miranda", "SECRET", max_builds=2),
        BuildSlave("dane", "SECRET", max_builds=2),

c['slavePortnum'] = 9989


svnroot = ""

from buildbot.changes.pb import PBChangeSource
from buildbot.changes.svnpoller import SVNPoller
c['change_source'] = [PBChangeSource(), SVNPoller(svnurl=svnroot,
pollinterval=60*10, svnbin="/usr/local/bin/svn")]


from buildbot.scheduler import Scheduler
c['schedulers'] = []
c['schedulers'].append(Scheduler(name="all", branch=None,

####### BUILDERS

from buildbot.process import factory
from buildbot.steps.source import SVN
from import Compile, Configure, Test,
WarningCountingShellCommand, ShellCommand

class Install(WarningCountingShellCommand):
        name = "install"
        haltOnFailure = 1
        flunkOnFailure = 1
        description = ["installing"]
        descriptionDone = ["installed"]

import os

f1 = factory.BuildFactory()

f1.addStep(Configure(command=["python", "scons/", "configure",
f1.addStep(Compile(command=["python", "scons/"]))
f1.addStep(Install(command=["python", "scons/", "install"]))
f1.addStep(Test(command=["python", "tests/",

b1 = {
    'name': "mapnik-freebsd",
    'slavename': "miranda",
    'builddir': "freebsd",
    'factory': f1,
    'env': { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '/home/mapnikslave/install/lib' }

b2 = {
    'name': "mapnik-linux",
    'slavename': "dane",
    'builddir': "linux",
    'factory': f1,
    'env': { 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH': '/home/mapnikslave/install/lib' }

c['builders'] = [b1, b2]


c['status'] = []

from buildbot.status import html
c['status'].append(html.WebStatus(http_port=8010, allowForce=True))

# from buildbot.status import mail
# c['status'].append(mail.MailNotifier(fromaddr="buildbot@localhost",
#                                      extraRecipients=["[email protected]"],
#                                      sendToInterestedUsers=False))
# from buildbot.status import words
# c['status'].append(words.IRC(host="", nick="bb",
#                              channels=["#example"]))
# from buildbot.status import client
# c['status'].append(client.PBListener(9988))


#c['debugPassword'] = "mapmapbuild"


c['projectName'] = "Mapnik"
c['projectURL'] = ""

c['buildbotURL'] = ""
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