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Related Publications


We are actively working on supporting the following algorithms. As additional time and resources allow, we will add further algorithms.

[Latent Semantic Analysis] (LatentSemanticAnalysis) (LSA)

T. K. Landauer and S. T. Dumais, "A solution to Plato’s problem: The Latent Semantic Analysis theory of the acquisition, induction, and representation of knowledge," Psychological Review, vol. 104, pp. 211–240, 1997.

T. K. Landauer, P. W. Foltz, and D. Laham, "Introduction to Latent Semantic Analysis," Discourse Processes, no. 25, pp. 259–284, 1998.

[Random Indexing] (RandomIndexing) (also, with permutations)

P. Kanerva, J. Kristoferson, and A. Holst, “Random indexing of text samples for latent semantic analysis,” in Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, L. R. Gleitman and A. K. Josh, Eds., 2000, p. 1036.

M. Sahlgren, “Vector-based semantic analysis: Representing word meanings based on random labels,” in Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2001 Workshop on Semantic Knowledge Acquisition and Categorisation, Helsinki, Finland, 2001.

M. Sahlgren, A. Holst, and P. Kanerva, “Permutations as a means to encode order in word space,” in Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci’08), 2008.

[Correlated Occurrence Analogue to Lexical Semantic] (Coals) (COALS)

D. L. T. Rohde, L. M. Gonnerman, and D. C. Plaut, “An improved model of semantic similarity based on lexical co-occurrence,” Cognitive Science, 2009, submitted. Online. Available [here] (

[Hyperspace Analogue to Language] (HyperspaceAnalogueToLanguage) (HAL)

C. Burgess and P. Conley, “Developing semantic representations for proper names,” in Cognitive Science Proceedings, LEA, 1998, pp. 185–190.

C. Burgess and K. Lund, “Modelling parsing constraints with high- dimensional context space,” Language and Cognitive Processes, vol. 12, pp. 177–210, 1997.

[Latent Relational Analysis] (LatentRelationalAnalysis) (LRA)

P. D. Turney, “Similarity of semantic relations,” Computational Linguistics, vol. 32, no. 3, pp. 379–416, 2006.

Bound Encoding of the Aggregate Language Environment (BEAGLE)

M. N. Jones, W. Kintsch, and D. J. K. Mewhort, “High-dimensional semantic space accounts of priming,” Journal of Memory and Language, vol. 55, pp. 534–552, 2006.

M. N. Jones and D. J. K. Mewhort, “Representing word meaning and order information in a composite holographic lexicon,” Psychology Review, vol. 114, pp. 1–37, 2007.

Syntactic Co-occurrence (by Greffenstette)

G. Grefenstette, Explorations in Automatic Thesaurus Discovery. Indiana University Press, 1994.