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fozziethebeat edited this page Oct 27, 2011 · 3 revisions

Classes and interfaces for interacting with documents

Document Reading Utilities

The Document interface, and it's iterators and implemented classes provides a uniform method of interacting with corpora so that methods calling reader have a uniform means of iterating through many document files. The provided Document related classes are:

  • FileDocument, for single file with a single document
  • StringDocument, for documents represented as a single string
  • FileListDocumentIterator, for single file which is a list of other files. Each listed file corresponds to an entire document of text
  • OneLinePerDocumentIterator, for a single file in which each document is contained on a single line. These files may have many lines, and thus many documents

In all cases, these iterators expect unstructured documents, meaning that there should only be the document text, and nothing else. CSV files are not currently supported. In addition to these, a WordIterator is provided, such that it will automagically tokenize a BufferedReader and provided an iterator for each word read.

Each document is treated as a sequence of tokens. Algorithms in the S-Space package are designed to tokenize all documents according to the [tokenizing] (/fozziethebeat/S-Space/wiki/Tokenizing ) rules specified by the user. This means that regardless of how the document is loaded, a document will tokenized in the same manner. No attempt is made to treat any of the tokens in the document with special meaning, e.g. no document labels, numbers or directives.

In general, we assume that any preprocessing required has been done prior to input, or is performed as a part of the [tokenizing] (/fozziethebeat/S-Space/wiki/Tokenizing) process.