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Agenda Notes Monday August 28th 2017 11:00 AM

Michael Duda edited this page Aug 28, 2017 · 9 revisions

MPAS-Developer Telecon:

Date: 28 August 2017
Time: 11:00 MDT / 19:00 CET

Call-in number: 1-866-740-1260
Access Code: 4978161

Agenda Topics:

  1. Update on setting _FillValue attribute in output files
  2. Framework modifications:


Participants: Mark, Matt, Dom, Xylar, Michael

Framework PRs

  • Several framework PRs, all related to streams, need to be handled in a specific order: 1392, 1284, 1395, and then 1396
  • 1389 resolves issues on Mira and appears to do no harm for Intel and GNU compilers; there are just a few questions about the details of the changes that would be good to answer before final approval

Missing_value and _FillValue

Conclusion: we should have missing_value and _FillValue added to all variables by default

  • Dom: CMOR software (used by CMIP5 and CORDEX) suggests both missing_value and _FillValue attributes for coordinate variables
  • How are missing values handled in MPAS-Ocean?
    • Cells below the bathymetry are just assigned a value
    • Perhaps this behavior has changed recently? now values are something like -1e34
    • Is the behavior specific to analysis members?
  • MPAS_field_accessor could help cores to fully integrate the use of missing_value throughout code
  • Make a PR to add missing_value and _FillValue to all variables by default
    • Also investigate how fill values are getting set in "empty" variables

Other topics

Mark: A developer working on KNL was wondering whether we have considered making "negative halos"?

  • a negative halo would identify elements on the interior of a block that need to be communicated
  • the idea would be to first compute over the negative halo, then begin an async halo exchange, and continue computing over the interior elements
  • The framework/cell_ordering branch included work in progress to try to enable general element ordering within blocks, and this could be used as a basis for implementing "negative halos"

Next telecon

Tuesday, 5 September 2017 @ 11:00 MDT

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