Current Version: v0.26
Choose starting techs, bots, and home unit.
Full menu in Main Menu -> Options -> Mods -> CustomStart to help you start the game exactly as you want.
To play with the custom start, when starting a new game choose "CustomStart" instead of "Freeplay" as the starting scenario.
Should be compatible with all other mods, but since it is a scenario it can't be combined with other scenario mods. Might have issues if any mod removes the basic tech tree or any of the units CustomStart spawns and those options are selected in the menu.
Choose "Home" Unit:
- Default Mobile Command Center (same as base game)
- Mobile Command Center without deploy componant (for those who want to play a nomad game)
- Automation Challenge, a MCC with no deploy, but with a power cell, miner, behavior controller, and fabricator. (Requested by EightTonnesOfCrab)
- Cub (A cub that starts with a fabricator, solar cell, and an expanded storage. Hardmode if this is your only bot.)
Choose Extra starting Unit presets:
- Default Starting Scouts: Same as vanilla start.
- Cheaty Stripminers: a pack of 6 twinbots that come pre-loaded with advanced miners, behaviors, and power cells.
Choose a Box-O-Goodies:
- Box-O- 24 Fabricators
- Box-O- 24 Behaviors
- Box-O- 24 Portable Transporters
Choose Extra starting Units:
- Extra Workers, 0-20 - With options to start each one with miners, advanced miners, solar panel, turrets, behaviors, capacitors, and/or power cells. (to the limit of the slots the Worker has)
- Extra Dashbots, 0-20 - Same options as Workers
- Extra Twinbots, 0-20 - Same options as Workers
- Extra Scouts, 0-20 - Same options as Workers
- Extra Mobile Command Centers, 0-20 - Same options as Workers
- Extra Cubs, 0-20 - Same options as Workers (Medium componants still pending)
Choose starting Technologies:
- All tier 1-3 techs from the basic Robot tech tree have checkboxes to choose from.
- Rework UI to use tabs instead of a scrollbar (options are getting long)
- Add preset/prebuilt specific purpose options - like a roomba.
- Home unit additional loadout (extra fabricator, assemblers, research pylon, more?)
- Figure out how to add starting drones.
- Clearly mark Challenge mode, re-balance, and cheat mode options
- Tooltips (looks like this might not be possible? Current widgets don't seem to support, would need to write my own.)
- Add presets on a dropdown (Current widgets don't seem to support, would need to write my own dropdown list.)
- More !?
Comments/Concerns/Bug Reports and Requests welcome!
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