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Kaetemi edited this page Nov 30, 2019 · 15 revisions

title: Pipeline Working Notes description: published: true date: 2019-11-30T06:30:58.300Z tags:

2019 NOV 30


  • Less folders to configure initially
    • This means we'll have to make some adjustments to some of the repository structures!
    • Add some root configuration for automation?
    • Some mechanism to identify folders...
  • Separate leveldesign and graphics build!
    • Can we have the configuration entirely in-tree, rather than as a loose workspace?
      • At least, a way to generate a workspace from an in-tree configuration...
  • Separate lightmapping from shape export.
  • There's too much duplication between configurations, especially the configuration for ecosystems and continents... Use georges sheets for configuration, or another mechanism that can inherit parameters? Shouldn't most of these parameters be part of the .continent sheet?
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