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Jan Boon edited this page Mar 12, 2022 · 38 revisions

title: Graphics description: published: true date: 2022-03-12T11:54:35.264Z tags: editor: markdown dateCreated: 2019-11-25T09:42:26.934Z

Creation Tools

Autodesk 3ds Max

The Ryzom world was originally built using 3ds Max 3.1 CS as the 3D modeling software. Using any version of 3ds Max is currently the only feasible option to take advantage of all NeL-specific features.

Characters, Skeletons and Animations

Characters, consisting of either one model or multiple models with a common interface, can be animated using a skeleton, as well as using morph targets. A multi-resolution-mesh algorithm takes care of smooth LOD balancing, to allow for battles between a large number of players and creatures.

TODO {.is-danger}


NeL offers several features specific to rendering trees, such as radial normals and wind swaying effects. Additionally, LOD billboarding can be used to efficiently render a large number of trees, plants, and other static items such as signboards at a far distance.

Other 3D Software

To use other 3D modeling software, such as Blender, you do not need any additional plugins. Files from Blender can be directly exported by the tools included in the build pipeline, as part of the automated export processes. At the moment this does not allow you to take advantage of any NeL specific features. Animation exporting is currently not supported yet.

Stand-alone utilities to take advantage of NeL features, without relying on any particular 3D modeling software, are pending.

NeL Object Viewer

Implementation Guides


See also

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