I work on this when I can, but I do have life events such as work and girlfriend problems!
I have a few goals for this personal project.
- Create a Trading Card game! (Think collectible cards like Baseball or Football cards)
- Actually FINISH a python project and be satisfied with it.
- Look at forks from my friends over at /r/learnpython to see what they are up to and how I can learn from what they do
- Learn how to better use github revision control for my future career
These are the files and what they do
This was just a quick idea I came up with at work while it was slow, but it gave me something to base my code on.
This is the main file. This has all the classes (Card, Pack, Theme) and important code in it.
Threaded TCP Server that handles incoming connections from clients. Also holds the functions to register\activate users.
This holds the tests for testing that all the stuff works correctly
This is the testing GUI. As of now, it doesn't really work... :'( I'll get there one day.
Holds the functions that let you edit\create packs\themes
Contains the rules for having a valid username\password\email for registration
Modules that I wrote to aid me.
Gives me an easy lazy way to send simple emails to email addresses\phone numbers.
My pure python implementation MD5, and a more condensed and clean pure python implementation of SHA384 (https://github.com/sfstpala/SlowSHA/blob/master/slowsha.py)
My pure python implementation of some random generator functions.
My pure python implementation of Queues and DEQueues