Copyright © 1999-2017 Gerard Beekmans
Copyright © 1999-2017, Gerard Beekmans
All rights reserved.
This book is licensed under a [Creative Commons License]
Computer instructions may be extracted from the book under the [MIT License]
Linux® is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.
- Preface
- [Foreword]
- [Audience]
- [LFS Target Architectures]
- [LFS and Standards]
- [Rationale for Packages in the Book]
- [Prerequisites]
- [Typography]
- [Structure]
- [Errata]
- Introduction
- [How to Build an LFS System]
- [What's new since the last release]
- [Changelog]
- [Resources]
- [Help]
- Preparing for the Build
- Preparing the Host System
- [Introduction]
- [Host System Requirements]
- [Building LFS in Stages]
- [Creating a New Partition]
- [Creating a File System on the Partition]
- [Setting The $LFS Variable]
- [Mounting the New Partition]
- Packages and Patches
- [Introduction]
- [All Packages]
- [Needed Patches]
- Final Preparations
- [Introduction]
- [Creating the $LFS/tools Directory]
- [Adding the LFS User]
- [Setting Up the Environment]
- [About SBUs]
- [About the Test Suites]
- Constructing a Temporary System
- [Introduction]
- [Toolchain Technical Notes]
- [General Compilation Instructions]
- [Binutils-2.29 - Pass 1]
- [GCC-7.2.0 - Pass 1]
- [Linux-4.12.7 API Headers]
- [Glibc-2.26]
- [Libstdc++-7.2.0]
- [Binutils-2.29 - Pass 2]
- [GCC-7.2.0 - Pass 2]
- [Tcl-core-8.6.7]
- [Expect-5.45]
- [DejaGNU-1.6]
- [Check-0.11.0]
- [Ncurses-6.0]
- [Bash-4.4]
- [Bison-3.0.4]
- [Bzip2-1.0.6]
- [Coreutils-8.27]
- [Diffutils-3.6]
- [File-5.31]
- [Findutils-4.6.0]
- [Gawk-4.1.4]
- [Gettext-]
- [Grep-3.1]
- [Gzip-1.8]
- [M4-1.4.18]
- [Make-4.2.1]
- [Patch-2.7.5]
- [Perl-5.26.0]
- [Sed-4.4]
- [Tar-1.29]
- [Texinfo-6.4]
- [Util-linux-2.30.1]
- [Xz-5.2.3]
- [Stripping]
- [Changing Ownership]
- Preparing the Host System
- Building the LFS System
- Installing Basic System Software
- [Introduction]
- [Preparing Virtual Kernel File Systems]
- [Package Management]
- [Entering the Chroot Environment]
- [Creating Directories]
- [Creating Essential Files and Symlinks]
- [Linux-4.12.7 API Headers]
- [Man-pages-4.12]
- [Glibc-2.26]
- [Adjusting the Toolchain]
- [Zlib-1.2.11]
- [File-5.31]
- [Readline-7.0]
- [M4-1.4.18]
- [Bc-1.07.1]
- [Binutils-2.29]
- [GMP-6.1.2]
- [MPFR-3.1.5]
- [MPC-1.0.3]
- [GCC-7.2.0]
- [Bzip2-1.0.6]
- [Pkg-config-0.29.2]
- [Ncurses-6.0]
- [Attr-2.4.47]
- [Acl-2.2.52]
- [Libcap-2.25]
- [Sed-4.4]
- [Shadow-4.5]
- [Psmisc-23.1]
- [Iana-Etc-2.30]
- [Bison-3.0.4]
- [Flex-2.6.4]
- [Grep-3.1]
- [Bash-4.4]
- [Libtool-2.4.6]
- [GDBM-1.13]
- [Gperf-3.1]
- [Expat-2.2.3]
- [Inetutils-1.9.4]
- [Perl-5.26.0]
- [XML::Parser-2.44]
- [Intltool-0.51.0]
- [Autoconf-2.69]
- [Automake-1.15.1]
- [Xz-5.2.3]
- [Kmod-24]
- [Gettext-]
- [Procps-ng-3.3.12]
- [E2fsprogs-1.43.5]
- [Coreutils-8.27]
- [Diffutils-3.6]
- [Gawk-4.1.4]
- [Findutils-4.6.0]
- [Groff-1.22.3]
- [GRUB-2.02]
- [Less-487]
- [Gzip-1.8]
- [IPRoute2-4.12.0]
- [Kbd-2.0.4]
- [Libpipeline-1.4.2]
- [Make-4.2.1]
- [Patch-2.7.5]
- [Sysklogd-1.5.1]
- [Sysvinit-2.88dsf]
- [Eudev-3.2.2]
- [Util-linux-2.30.1]
- [Man-DB-]
- [Tar-1.29]
- [Texinfo-6.4]
- [Vim-8.0.586]
- [About Debugging Symbols]
- [Stripping Again]
- [Cleaning Up]
- System Configuration
- [Introduction]
- [LFS-Bootscripts-20170626]
- [Overview of Device and Module Handling]
- [Managing Devices]
- [General Network Configuration]
- [System V Bootscript Usage and Configuration]
- [The Bash Shell Startup Files]
- [Creating the /etc/inputrc File]
- [Creating the /etc/shells File]
- Making the LFS System Bootable
- [Introduction]
- [Creating the /etc/fstab File]
- [Linux-4.12.7]
- [Using GRUB to Set Up the Boot Process]
- The End
- [The End]
- [Get Counted]
- [Rebooting the System]
- [What Now?]
- Installing Basic System Software
- Appendices
- [A. Acronyms and Terms]
- [B. Acknowledgments]
- [C. Dependencies]
- [D. Boot and sysconfig scripts version-20170626]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/rc]
- [/lib/lsb/init-functions]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/mountvirtfs]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/modules]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/udev]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/swap]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/setclock]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/checkfs]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/mountfs]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/udev_retry]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/cleanfs]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/console]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/localnet]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/sysctl]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/sysklogd]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/network]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/sendsignals]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/reboot]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/halt]
- [/etc/rc.d/init.d/template]
- [/etc/sysconfig/modules]
- [/etc/sysconfig/createfiles]
- [/etc/sysconfig/udev-retry]
- [/sbin/ifup]
- [/sbin/ifdown]
- [/lib/services/ipv4-static]
- [/lib/services/ipv4-static-route]
- [E. Udev configuration rules]
- [55-lfs.rules]
- [F. LFS Licenses]
- [Creative Commons License]
- [The MIT License]