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Maqetta Orion Outstanding Issues

jhpedemonte edited this page Jun 14, 2012 · 4 revisions


This page describes some of the outstanding issues with using and deploying the Maqetta+Orion build.


Orion provides a Server Admin Guide, which is quite useful.

Server Config File

I was able to create an Orion config file and make some use of it. Here's the contents of the the my_orion.conf file:

# Set port number for server


# Setup admin password (account name is 'admin').
# Only use once to set up, then comment out this line and remove password

# XXX Is this still necessary?

# [description]
# XXX Should be namespaced: 'maqetta.loginUrl'

# [description]

I then changed the line which launches the server from the command file:

java -Dorion.core.configFile=`pwd`/my_orion.conf \
    -Dmaqetta.baseDirectory="$absusersdir" \
    -jar "$jarFilePath" \
    -data=`pwd`/my_workspace \
    $consolePort \

As you can see, I added the -Dorion.core.configFile option to point to my_orion.conf. Most of the options seem to work.

  • orion.file.layout doesn't seem to do anything. Contrary to the wiki, "userTree" must be the new default.
  • Does maqetta.localInstall do anything any more?
  • Don't know if smtp.mailServer works or not form within the conf file; haven't tried it, yet.

Workspace (user files location)

Specify location of workspace

As you can see above ("Server Config File" section), I also tried to change the location of Orion's workspace. I followed the wiki and used the -data option, but it doesn't seem to work. The server still creates a workspace dir in the current directory.

  • We need a way to specify where the workspace (and user files) should be located.

'users' directory

I took a look at the directory from which I ran the server. I saw both users and workspace directories.

  • The users directory seems to only contain users.xml. Is this used for anything?
  • The users' actual files are in workspace. Can we not merge users.xml (if that file is necessary) in to workspace?

Admin User

By setting orion.auth.admin.default.password in the conf file, I was able to create an Orion admin user. Simply log in as "admin", using the password as specified in the conf file, then go to http://[host]:[port]/profile/user-list.html. This will show a list of users, allowing the admin to delete a user or change password.

  • When I log in as "admin", it still launches Maqetta. But it seems that Orion doesn't create a workspace for "admin". Need to special case this and not launch Maqetta for "admin".
  • Deleting a user from /profile/user-list.html doesn't also delete files from the workspace.

Orion Logout

When I'm on the Orion side (either in /profile/user-list.html or from clicking on the Orion button in the Files view), I select Sign Out from the top right. While it does seem to sign me out, the page doesn't change. It will still show a users files.

  • After signing out, should be taken back to initial page, allowing me to sign in again.


  • The build takes way too long, sometimes close to 50 minutes on my machine.
  • Re-running the build does not pick up updated source. Instead, need to delete most of the build directories & downloaded repos in order to force it pulling the latest source. Unfortunately, this lengthens the build process.
  • Currently, no easy way to integrate with Jenkins and have it build when new sources are committed.
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