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Foundation data structures

billreed63 edited this page Oct 31, 2011 · 18 revisions

Table of Contents

About this page

This page describes the foundation data structures for the Maqetta cloud application that supports multiple users.

Sites, organizations, groups and users

  • There are multiple sites, where a site is a server that hosts Maqetta
  • Within a given site, there are multiple users, groups and organizations.
    • We already support multiple users (although lots of enhancements needed here)
    • An organization typically would be a company, such as IBM or American Airlines, with the idea that ultimately Maqetta sites would offer secure multi-tenancy and provide server-side bridges to organizational-specific LDAP and maybe sendmail services. Each organization has one or more organization admins.
    • (Down the road) an organization admin can create groups, with one or more group admins. The main purposes of group.
      • Shared configuration settings (e.g., which widgets and themes should be used by a particular collection of users)
      • Access privileges (e.g., only people within group A can view each other's workspaces)

Workspaces, workspace servers and projects

  • A workspace server is a web server that can manage Maqetta workspaces.
    • Workspace servers are identified by a simple URL, which points to a server that implements the appropriate Orion file client protocols
      • A workspace server can be the same server that hosts the Maqetta application or can be a remote server
    • There is a built-in simple workspace manager that does simple saves into a Unix file system on the same web server that hosts the Maqetta application (i.e., what we have today)
    • We are likely to offer other built-in workspace managers that support source control systems such as Git and RTC. (We will partner with the Orion project on these built-in workspace managers)
    • The list of workspace servers can be modified by site admins, organization admins, group admins, or individual users.
  • Maqetta will support a workspace server configuration file (probably a simple JSON file)
    • Lists the workspace servers (by simple URL) that should be made available to users
  • Users can have multiple workspaces
    • Each new user gets a single default workspace for each workspace server attached to his account
    • Down the road, users will probably want us to support the ability for a given user to have multiple workspaces on a particular workspace server, but this is low priority for short-term given that we already support multiple projects. Nevertheless, we should architect our code to allow for this possibility down the road
  • Each workspace can have multiple projects (already supported today!)

Libraries and library servers

  • A library server is a web server that implements Maqetta's library server protocols and delivers a library package (including associated metadata) that can be "installed" into a user project. (Installation is either copy or a magic symbolic link.)
  • A library might contain the following things:
    • Runtime JavaScript (and associated CSS, HTML snippets and images)
      • The runtime JavaScript often will include widgets and themes
    • Widget and theme metadata (see sections on widgets and themes below)
    • Maqetta helper JavaScript
  • Maqetta will support a library server configuration file (probably a simple JSON file)
    • Lists the libraries that should be made available to user projects
    • For each library, the library server config file lists:
      • URL of library server
      • Library name and version (e.g., dojo 1.7)
      • Whether this library should be installed by default in new user projects
    • Also includes an library-level Maqetta helper logic as needed by that library
    • Can defined by site admin, organization admin, group admin or user
  • Maqetta will support a library metadata file (probably a simple JSON file)
    • Library name and version
    • Lists any library dependencies
      • e.g., jQueryUI dependent on jQuery, custom widget A dependent on Dojo
    • Maqetta helper functions at the library level

Custom widgets and custom libraries

  • When a Maqetta user does a "Save As Widget" operation, maqetta creates a single-widget library.
  • We will provide documentation that tells users how to manually consolidate custom widgets into a single library (versus one library for each widget)

Libraries, widget collections and widgets

  • A particular library can contain one or more widget collections
    • Dijit and would be different widget collections
    • Each custom widget or custom widget library would represent separate widget collections
    • To find the widget collections within a library package, we look for widget collection metadata files that match a particular pattern (what we now call widgets.json)
    • Each widget collection metadata file indicates what devices it supports ("all", "desktop", "mobile", or specific platforms such as "iPhone")
  • Within each "widget collection", we should look for:
    • Theme files (what we currently name *.theme)

Themes and theme sets

  • For each theme within a widget collection, there is a theme metadata file (*.theme today) that includes the following information:
    • Which JS library and version
    • Which widget collection
    • Which device ("all", "desktop", "mobile", or specific platforms such as "iPhone")
    "className": "android",
    "name": "android",
    "lib": "dojo",
    "widgetCollection": "",
    "version": "1.7",
    "specVersion": "0.8",
    "files": [
    "meta": [
    "themeEditorHtmls": [
    "helper": "",
    "type": "",   /* backward compatibility */
    "devices": ["android","other"]

  • A widget collection might also include theme set files which defines a complete set of themes for different classes of devices. For example, a theme set might use theme A for iOs and theme B for Android.
Sample.themesets file
    "version": "1.7",
    "specVersion": "0.8",
    "helper": "",
    "themeSets": [
            "name": "desktop_default",
            "theme": [
                    "theme": "sketch",
                    "device": "Desktop"
                    "theme": "none",
                    "device": "Android"
                    "theme": "none",
                    "device": "BlackBerry"
                    "theme": "none",
                    "device": "iPad"
                    "theme": "none",
                    "device": "iPhone"
                    "theme": "none",
                    "device": "other"
            "name": "mobile_default",
            "desktopTheme": "claro",
            "themes": [
                    "theme": "claro",
                    "device": "Desktop"
                    "theme": "android",
                    "device": "Android"
                    "theme": "blackberry",
                    "device": "BlackBerry"
                    "theme": "ipad",
                    "device": "iPad"
                    "theme": "iphone",
                    "device": "iPhone"
                    "theme": "iphone",
                    "device": "other"

  • Themes, theme metadata files and theme set files can be stored within a widget collection (on a read-only basis) or at any level in the user hierarchy: site level, organization level, group level or individual user.
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