An automated system for tracking student attendance using barcode scanners, RFID readers, or QR codes.
This web-based application streamlines the process of recording student attendance. Students can sign in by scanning their ID cards with a generic barcode scanner. The system automatically updates attendance status based on arrival time:
- Present: On time
- Tardy: Less than 10 minutes late
- Late: Between 10 and 45 minutes late
- Absent: More than 45 minutes late or not signed in
Teacher's Attendance Dashboard
- Automatic attendance tracking
- Real-time status updates
- Support for block scheduling
- User-friendly interface
- Web server (e.g., Apache)
- MariaDB
Clone the repository into your web server directory: git clone
Configure your web server to serve the application
Using MariaDB command line or PHPAdmin, create the database attendance_db
Import /includes/attendance_db.sql into your new database
Edit /includes/students_with_classes.csv to reflect your students or leave the demo data
Import the students using /includes/import_students.php
Update the class_schedule table to reflect your school schedule. Time is in 24h format.
Navigate to public/index.html
on your web browser to access the student sign-in page.
Navigate to public/login.php
on your web browser to access the login for the teacher dashboard.
Note: This project is currently in development and not ready for production deployment.
We welcome contributions to improve this project. Please feel free to submit pull requests or open issues with your ideas and suggestions.
We use SemVer for versioning.
- John Kubala - Initial work - jkubala4454
This project is licensed under the GPL License - see the file for details.
- Dedicated to all the overwhelmed teachers trying to simplify their daily tasks.
Note: This is a work in progress. Feedback and contributions are greatly appreciated as we strive to make this tool more useful for educators.