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F1TENTH software stack is the integrated repository of ESE 615 Team 6 of Spring 2023.

For the setup of F1TENTH cars, please review Repository f1tenth_system. Modifications are needed based on specific cars.

For the setup of F1TENTH ROS Simulator, please review Repository f1tenth_gym_ros.

For the setup of F1TENTH Gym, please review Repository f1tenth_gym.

Run Lab 1 Package

cd ~/sim_ws
colcon build --packages-select lab1_pkg
source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash
. install/setup.bash
ros2 launch lab1_pkg

Run AEB in Sim

ros2 launch f1tenth_gym_ros
ros2 run safety_node
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard  # control the keyboard

Run Wall Following in Sim

ros2 launch f1tenth_gym_ros
ros2 run wall_follow

Run Gap Following in Sim

ros2 launch f1tenth_gym_ros
ros2 run gap_follow

Run Pure Pursuit, LQR, and MPC in Sim

Modify sim.yaml to load the levine 2nd floor map by using

map_path: '/home/derek/sim_ws/src/f1tenth_gym_ros/maps/levine_2nd'
map_img_ext: '.pgm'

Go to and change the code with

self.is_real = False
# self.ref_speed = csv_data[:, 5] * 0.6  # max speed for levine 2nd - real is 2m/s
self.ref_speed = csv_data[:, 5]  # max speed - sim is 10m/s
# sim params
self.L = 1.0
self.steering_gain = 0.5

Go to and switch the mode to sim

self.is_real = False

Go to and change the code with

self.is_real = False
MAX_SPEED: float = 5.0  # maximum speed [m/s] ~ 5.0 for levine sim

All the other parameters remain the same.

Go to, comment & uncomment the corresponding code of pure pursuit / LQR / MPC and execute through the launch file.

cd ~/sim_ws/
colcon build
ros2 launch bringup

Run Motion Planning (RRT* + Pure Pursuit) in Sim

Copy the "slam_maps" folder in "lab6_pkg" folder to "maps" folder of "f1tenth_gym_ros" folder and rename it as "motion_planning". Modify sim.yaml to load the levine 2nd floor map for lab 6 config by using

map_path: '/home/derek/sim_ws/src/f1tenth_gym_ros/maps/motion_planning/levine_2nd'
map_img_ext: '.pgm'

Run the following commands in 3 terminals

ros2 launch f1tenth_gym_ros
ros2 run lab6_pkg
ros2 run lab6_pkg

Run Final Race (Gap Following + Pure Pursuit) in Sim

Modify sim.yaml of f1tenth_gym_ros to load the clear Skirkanich map by using

map_path: '/home/derek/sim_ws/src/f1tenth_gym_ros/maps/skir_2_draw'
map_img_ext: '.pgm'

To load the Skirkanich map with random obstacles, change the map name as skir_2_draw_obs.

Make sure we are using the normal speed by checking code is commented in as following

# = (0.2 if gf_point_obs else 1.0) * speed  # if allows braking for close obstacles = speed
# = self.test_speed

Modify the parameters in as

{"pure pursuit confidence ratio": 1.0},         # weight of pure pursuit versus gap follow
{"reference speed gain": 0.7},                  # weight of reference speed, original - 0.7

For obstacle avoidance, change the 2 parameters as 0.4 and 0.5 respectively.

cd ~/sim_ws/
colcon build
ros2 launch bringup

Wireless Visualization via Rviz2

Thanks to the ESE 615 tips!

ifconfig  # check wlan0, should be same to the car's
echo "export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=6" >> ~/.bashrc
sudo ufw disable  # disable the firewall
rviz2  # on your native ubuntu and add the topics, start rviz2 before pf!

Intro to Supported Repos

f1tenth_traj_gen: trajectory generation repo for solving min curvature QP with F1TENTH params. The dev is based on global traj optim repo of TUM. For f1tenth dev, the tuned parameter is locally stored in IL folder of Derek's OMEN-16 via Windows 11 OS.