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Chris Brasnett edited this page Jul 26, 2024 · 1 revision

Basic usage

Overly basic usage

Without any other additions, martinize2 can take your protein, and make a ready coarse grained model with some martini forcefield:

martinize2 -f protein.pdb -o -x cg_protein.pdb

This command will (try) and convert your protein from the atomistic input to one in the Martini3 force field.

Other force fields are available to convert your protein to. To view them you can use martinize2 -list-ff.

Minimal physical reality usage

However, our knowledge of proteins and Martini tells us that we need to add some more information to the topology to account for secondary structure.

Let martinize2 deal with secondary structure for you

Martinize2 can deal with secondary structure intelligently using dssp in one of two ways:

  1. Use a dssp executable installed on your machine
  2. Use the dssp implementation in mdtraj

If you have dssp installed locally, note that martinize2 is only validated for particular versions of dssp. If a non-validated version is used, a warning will be raised and nothing is written. If you know what you're doing and are confident with what's been produced, you can override the warning with the -maxwarn flag. Otherwise, dssp can be used using the -dssp flag in martinize.

Where you have a local installation, replace /path/to/dssp in the following command with the location of your installation:

martinize2 -f protein.pdb -o -x cg_protein.pdb -ff martini3001 -dssp /path/to/dssp

If you have mdtraj installed in your python environment, the -dssp flag can be left blank, and martinize2 will attempt to use dssp from there:

martinize2 -f protein.pdb -o -x cg_protein.pdb -ff martini3001 -dssp

User knows best

If you already know the secondary structure of your protein and don't want to worry about dssp calculating it correctly, the -ss flag can be used.

The -ss flag must either be:

  1. The same length as the number of residues in your protein, with a dssp code for each residue
  2. A single letter (eg. 'H'), which will apply the same secondary structure parameters to your entire protein