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Chris Brasnett edited this page Jul 26, 2024 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the martinize2 wiki!

The full help menu for the most recent version martinize2 (July 2024) is recorded below.

The aim of this wiki is to be a practical guide to enable users to understand how to link these commands together to make their desired Martini model of their protein, ready to simulate.

Throughout these pages, we assume you have a clean input file, protein.pdb, at atomistic resolution, ready to convert into a system ready to simulate at Martini resolution.

Consume your Martinis safely!

usage: martinize2 [-h] [-V] [-f INPATH] [-x OUTPATH] [-o TOP_PATH] [-sep] [-merge MERGE_CHAINS] [-resid RESID_HANDLING] [-ignore IGNORE_RES [IGNORE_RES ...]]
                  [-ignh] [-model MODELIDX] [-bonds-from {name,distance,none,both}] [-bonds-fudge BONDS_FUDGE] [-ff TO_FF] [-from FROM_FF]
                  [-ff-dir EXTRA_FF_DIR] [-map-dir EXTRA_MAP_DIR] [-list-ff] [-list-blocks] [-p {none,all,backbone}] [-pf POSRES_FC] [-dssp [DSSP] | -ss
                  SEQUENCE | -collagen] [-ed] [-elastic] [-ef RB_FORCE_CONSTANT] [-el RB_LOWER_BOUND] [-eu RB_UPPER_BOUND] [-ermd RES_MIN_DIST]
                  [-ea RB_DECAY_FACTOR] [-ep RB_DECAY_POWER] [-em RB_MINIMUM_FORCE] [-eb RB_SELECTION] [-eunit RB_UNIT] [-go GO] [-go-eps GO_EPS]
                  [-go-moltype GOVS_MOLTYPE] [-go-low GO_LOW] [-go-up GO_UP] [-go-res-dist GO_RES_DIST] [-water-bias]
                  [-water-bias-eps WATER_BIAS_EPS [WATER_BIAS_EPS ...]] [-id-regions WATER_IDRS [WATER_IDRS ...]] [-idr-tune] [-scfix] [-cys CYSTEIN_BRIDGE]
                  [-mutate MUTATIONS] [-modify MODIFICATIONS] [-nter MODIFICATIONS] [-cter MODIFICATIONS] [-nt] [-write-graph WRITE_GRAPH]
                  [-write-repair WRITE_REPAIR] [-write-canon WRITE_CANON] [-v] [-maxwarn MAXWARN [MAXWARN ...]]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit

Input and output files:
  -f INPATH             Input file (PDB|GRO) (default: None)
  -x OUTPATH            Output coarse grained structure (PDB) (default: None)
  -o TOP_PATH           Output topology (TOP) (default: None)
  -sep                  Write separate topologies for identical chains (default: False)
  -merge MERGE_CHAINS   Merge chains: either a comma separated list of chains to merge e.g. -merge A,B,C (+), or -merge all if instead all chains in the
                        input file should be merged. Can be given multiple times for different groups of chains to merge. (default: None)
                        How to handle resid. Choice of mol or input. mol: resids are numbered from 1 to n for each molecule input: resids are the same as in
                        the input pdb (default: mol)
  -ignore IGNORE_RES [IGNORE_RES ...]
                        Ignore residues with that name: e.g. -ignore HOH,LIG (+) (default: [])
  -ignh                 Ignore all Hydrogen atoms in the input file (default: False)
  -model MODELIDX       Which MODEL to select. Only meaningful for PDB files. (default: None)
  -bonds-from {name,distance,none,both}
                        How to determine connectivity in the input. If 'none', only bonds from the input file (CONECT) will be used. (default: both)
  -bonds-fudge BONDS_FUDGE
                        Factor with which Van der Waals radii should be scaled when determining bonds based on distances. (default: 1.2)

Force field selection:
  -ff TO_FF             Which forcefield to use (default: martini3001)
  -from FROM_FF         Force field of the original structure. (default: charmm)
  -ff-dir EXTRA_FF_DIR  Additional repository for custom force fields. (default: [])
  -map-dir EXTRA_MAP_DIR
                        Additional repository for mapping files. (default: [])
  -list-ff              List all known force fields, and exit. (default: False)
  -list-blocks          List all Blocks and Modifications known to the force field, and exit. (default: False)

Position restraints:
  -p {none,all,backbone}
                        Output position restraints (none/all/backbone) (default: none)
  -pf POSRES_FC         Position restraints force constant in kJ/mol/nm^2 (default: 1000)

Secondary structure handling:
  -dssp [DSSP]          DSSP executable for determining structure. If this flag is givenbut no executable is specified, the mdtraj library will be usedto
                        compute the secondary structure, if it can be imported. (default: None)
  -ss SEQUENCE          Manually set the secondary structure of the proteins. Either give a dssp sequence for each residue in your input file or a single
                        letter to be repeated for the entire sequence, e.g. -ss C (default: None)
  -collagen             Use collagen parameters (default: False)
  -ed                   Use dihedrals for extended regions rather than elastic bonds (default: False)

Protein elastic network:
  -elastic              Write elastic bonds (default: False)
                        Elastic bond force constant Fc in kJ/mol/nm^2 (default: 500)
  -el RB_LOWER_BOUND    Elastic bond lower cutoff: F = Fc if rij < lo (default: 0)
  -eu RB_UPPER_BOUND    Elastic bond upper cutoff: F = 0 if rij > up (default: 0.9)
  -ermd RES_MIN_DIST    The minimum separation between two residues to have an RB the default value is set by the force-field. (default: None)
  -ea RB_DECAY_FACTOR   Elastic bond decay factor a (default: 0)
  -ep RB_DECAY_POWER    Elastic bond decay power p (default: 1)
  -em RB_MINIMUM_FORCE  Remove elastic bonds with force constant lower than this (default: 0)
  -eb RB_SELECTION      Comma separated list of bead names for elastic bonds (default: None)
  -eunit RB_UNIT        Establish what is the structural unit for the elastic network. Bonds are only created within a unit. Options are molecule, chain,
                        all, or aspecified region defined by resids, with followingformat: <start_resid_1>:<end_resid_1>, <start_resid_2>:<end_resid_2>...
                        (default: molecule)

Virtual site based GoMartini:
  -go GO                Contact map to be used for the Martini Go model. Currently, only one format is supported. See docs. (default: None)
  -go-eps GO_EPS        The strength of the Go model structural bias in kJ/mol. (default: 9.414)
  -go-moltype GOVS_MOLTYPE
                        Set the name of the molecule when using Virtual Sites GoMartini. (default: molecule_0)
  -go-low GO_LOW        Minimum distance (nm) below which contacts are removed. (default: 0.3)
  -go-up GO_UP          Maximum distance (nm) above which contacts are removed. (default: 1.1)
  -go-res-dist GO_RES_DIST
                        Minimum graph distance (similar sequence distance) below whichcontacts are removed. (default: 3)

Apply water bias.:
  -water-bias           Automatically apply water bias to different secondary structure elements. (default: False)
  -water-bias-eps WATER_BIAS_EPS [WATER_BIAS_EPS ...]
                        Define the strength of the water bias by secondary structure type. For example, use `H:3.6 C:2.1` to bias helixes and coils. Using
                        the idr option (e.g. idr:2.1) intrinsically disordered regions are biased seperately. (default: [])
  -id-regions WATER_IDRS [WATER_IDRS ...]
                        Intrinsically disordered regions specified by resid.These parts are biased differently when applying a water bias.format:
                        <start_resid_1>:<end_resid_1> <start_resid_2>:<end_resid_2>... (default: [])
  -idr-tune             Tune the idr regions with specific bonded potentials. (default: False)

Protein description:
  -scfix                Apply side chain corrections. (default: False)
  -cys CYSTEIN_BRIDGE   Cystein bonds (default: none)
  -mutate MUTATIONS     Mutate a residue. Desired mutation is specified as, e.g. A-PHE45:ALA. The format is <chain>-<resname><resid>:<new resname>. Elements
                        of the specification can be omitted as required.e.g. PHE45:ALA will mutate all PHE with resid 45 to ALA, A-PHE:ALA will mutate all
                        PHE on chain A to ALA (default: [])
                        Add a modification to a residue. Desired modification is specified as, e.g. A-ASP45:ASP0. The format is
                        <chain>-<resname><resid>:<modification>. Elements of the specification can be omitted as required. e.g. ASP45:ASP0 will modify all
                        ASP with resid 45 to ASP0, A-ASP:ASP0 will modify all ASP on chain A to ASP0 (default: [])
  -nter MODIFICATIONS   Shorthand for patching N-termini. An N-terminus is defined as a residue which is connected to 1 other residue, and has the highest
                        resid. (default: [])
  -cter MODIFICATIONS   Shorthand for patching C-termini. A C-terminus is defined as a residue which is connected to 1 other residue, and has the lowest
                        resid. (default: [])
  -nt                   Set neutral termini (charged is default). Alias for "-nter NH2-ter -cter COOH-ter" (default: False)

Debugging options:
  -write-graph WRITE_GRAPH
                        Write the graph as PDB after the MakeBonds step. (default: None)
  -write-repair WRITE_REPAIR
                        Write the graph as PDB after the RepairGraph step. The resulting file may contain "nan" coordinates making it unreadable by most
                        softwares. (default: None)
  -write-canon WRITE_CANON
                        Write the graph as PDB after the CanonicalizeModifications step. The resulting file may contain "nan" coordinates making it
                        unreadable by most software. (default: None)
  -v                    Enable debug logging output. Can be given multiple times. (default: 0)
  -maxwarn MAXWARN [MAXWARN ...]
                        The maximum number of allowed warnings. If more warnings are encountered no output files are written. (default: [])
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