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Ömer Faruk Çelik Individual Contribution Report for Milestone 2

celikomerfaruk edited this page May 12, 2023 · 3 revisions

Issues Related to the Practice Application

  • #112 : Taking meeting notes.
  • #138 : Decided on the functionality of api and the external API I will use. Implemented the frontend and backend parts.
  • #176 : Prepared this report.

External API

In this project, I utilized the Movie Database API, which provides access to a wealth of movie-related data. This API allowed me to easily access and retrieve the information I needed for the project. For more detailed information about the API and its capabilities, please visit the official documentation.

API Functions

The endpoint I created is as follows:

  • getPopularMovies - GET: This endpoint enables users to retrieve a list of the most popular movies of the day. The function accepts a page parameter, enabling pagination for easier navigation through the results. The response contains only the essential information about each movie, including the title, release date, rating, and poster URL. Using the user-friendly React-based frontend I've developed, users can easily view and explore this information at their convenience.

Ekran Resmi 2023-05-12 23 33 44

Sample Calls

  • getPopularMovies

Ekran Resmi 2023-05-12 23 35 51


While working on this project, I encountered several new technologies and concepts that challenged me in different ways. Since I had no prior experience with Spring Boot, I had to learn it from scratch. Similarly, React was new to me, and I had to overcome some challenges while using it. Additionally, I had to familiarize myself with tools such as Postman and Docker, which were also new to me. Despite these challenges, I was able to successfully complete the project and gained valuable experience in using these technologies.


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