The implementation is based on the paper "Video Summarization using Deep Semantic Features" in ACCV'16 [arXiv]
The source is running on Python 2.7. Anaconda and Jupyter notebook are utilized for creating the ideal environment Download. The environment can be installed via conda environment:
$ conda create --name <env> --file <environment file>
For example:
$ conda create --name video_summarization --file requirements.txt
This code utilizes tools provided by M. Gygli et al. [1]. You can set it up by:
cd vsum_dsf
git clone
cd gm_submodular
python install --user
[1] Gygli, Grabner & Van Gool. Video Summarization by Learning Submodular Mixtures of Objectives. CVPR 2015.
* The source are already set up with gm_submodular.
The source can be tested on Summe dataset provided bt M. Gygli et al. [2].
To test the model in the paper, download a
HERE and extract it in the folder vsum_dsf
[2] Gygli M., Grabner, H., Riemenschneider, H., van Gool, L.: Creating summaries from user videos. ECCV 2014.
* Data are already contained in the source code
See the Demo.ipynb or run the script below to generate the video summaries:
$ python script/
For evaluation:
$ python script/ results/summe/smt_feat