Releases: Vauff/Maunz-Discord
Releases · Vauff/Maunz-Discord
- Seperated the ReadyEvent listener and message/reaction listeners to prevent command handling code being triggered before bot has fully started
- Changed the *about embed to use a more suitable colour
- Fixed average colour not working correctly in *accinfo due to a https redirect (thanks Raqbit!)
- Optimized if statements checking if the bot was lacking a specific permission
- Updated dependencies
- CS:GO update notifications for version branch updates no longer trigger when a version branch is removed
- *isitdown has been changed to use the URI system to support FTP/IPv6 connections (thanks Raqbit!)
- Added *quotes as an alias for *quote
- *accinfo can now take a UUID as input
- Removed the *trello command due to no longer using the board
- Added the *blacklist command to block command usage in certain channels
- Quotes database hostname and username can now be set in config.json instead of being hardcoded
- Attempted to fix multiple instances of Maunz being created during Discord downtime
- *notify will now remove a map notification if you select a map suggestion that you already have added
- Only call getPlayers() once per timer run for a given server when multiple guilds have the same server added
- Add error messages when the bot is missing needed permissions for an action (in the channel if possible, PM otherwise)
- Bot can now be enabled or disabled in a specific guild instead of always being global
- Big internal rewrite of *services to make the code cleaner and easier to expand on (thanks bl4ckscor3!)
- Added a getGuildByID null check in Server Tracking and CS:GO update notifications to prevent errors when a guild with a service set up removes the bot
- Code cleanup and rework for CS:GO update notifications
- Util.hasPermission() has been expanded to make bot owner configurable and accept both the ADMINISTRATOR and MANAGE_SERVER permission for a guild administrator
- Some general code housekeeping such as additional javadocs and method condensing (thanks bl4ckscor3!)
- Updated dependencies
- Renamed the "map tracking" service to "server tracking
- Send a message when an offline server comes back online
- Added additional reaction to *notify map confirmations that allows you to use the map suggestion
- Added an option to server tracking that allows map notifications to be auto limited to 31 characters (some servers will only report the currently played map with 31 characters max)
- Map notifications sent to PM will now include the guild name of the server the notification came from
- Maunz now uses an external configuration file to store different values such as database passwords and discord tokens
- Added an option to CS:GO Update Notifications to disable early warnings
- *map will now display a message if server info has not yet been cached instead of showing default values
- Fixed a Windows incompatibility with line endings in server tracking
- Certain channels that Maunz will/will not operate in for dev/non dev mode have been removed
- Changed format for uptime in *about
- Escape map name underscores in map suggestions to prevent accidental formatting
- Fixed possible exception in *notify list when a user previously had notifications but removed them
- Updated dependencies
- *isitdown is more flexible and can take different ports now
- Ported Maunz intelligence from Maunz-IRC
- Ported the *say command from Maunz-IRC
- Ported the *quote command from Maunz-IRC (thanks Raqbit!)
- Fully implemented the *services command
- *map and *players will now tell you the server is offline if Maunz hasn't been able to make a connection in over 3 minutes
- Maunz will now automatically disable tracking on servers that have been offline for over 72 hours, a guild administrator will need to re-enable the service using *services
- Have *notify suggest map names using the map database if the supplied map doesn't match anything specifically in the database
- Services can now be disabled and enabled
- Added the GameTracker fallback for map thumbnails back due to not actually causing the memory leak
- Added the auto restart functions back to the bot due to no longer using an external script to handle uptime (script would crash my VPS)
- Fixed notification confirmations not working (thanks bl4ckscor3!)
- Fixed grabbing player data not working for some servers
- Changed all "event.getMessage().getAuthor()" references to "event.getAuthor()"
- Increased initial delay on the uptime timer to prevent server crashes
- The map timer now schedules 100% accurately per minute instead of waiting for the previous execution to finish before rescheduling
- Updated dependencies