Releases: Vauff/Maunz-Discord
Releases · Vauff/Maunz-Discord
- Switched initial playing text state to altPlayingText to prevent incorrect guild count during bot startup
- Fixed broken error handling in the message update logger
- Fixed /steam erroring on private profiles
- Removed blacklisting due to Discord's new slash command permissions system now being out with many more features
- Added an opt-in self-restart to the bot that triggers when bot is detected in a hung state (to work around a Discord4J bug)
- Fixed slash command logging when done in PM
- Fixed *discord bot invite link broken by Discord
- Possibly fixed the bot hanging when trying to reconnect to Discord (happened twice in past month) due to a D4J/reactor-netty bug
- Added channel argument type restrictions for /services and /say
- Fixed /steam erroring due to empty "Last Logoff" field
- Fixed server tracking erroring when a cached tracking channel is deleted
- Ported reddit to a slash command
- Ported stop to a slash command
- Hid the unimplemented options in /services
- Ported minecraft to a slash command
- Fixed command prefix inconsistency issues in *help
- Ported steam to a slash command
- Ported say to a slash command
- Fixed /services erroring when used in a PM
- Ported benchmark to a slash command
- Fixed multiple errors in /benchmark caused by PassMark updates
- Ported isitdown to a slash command
- Ported colour to a slash command
- Changed the /services add channel argument to be required, due to Discord's UI hiding it away and people missing it (the no channel behaviour can be mimicked by creating a temporary channel to pass to /services add, and then deleting it afterwards)
- Removed old *ping & *services redirects
- Removed enabling/disabling, this feature can be easily replicated by server admins in Discord's permissions system
- Removed *restart, as it is no longer used by me, and would break in many hosting setups (such as the live bots current setup)
- Removed *source, as it's redundant with *about already providing a source code link
- Slight changes to *help formatting
- Updated the bots description in *about
- Fixed slash commands not being registered due to running before command array filling
- Slash commands are now registered via bulk overwrite to make sure old ones are removed
- Unregister global commands when running in dev mode to prevent duplicates
- Added a new internal config system which is much cleaner and all self-contained in its own class
- Fixed permission errors not being handled correctly when triggered by reaction input
- Fixed offline server detection and notifications
- Fixed error in /services delete if /services list was not ran previously
- Reworked Util#msg() methods to not have repeated code/unnecessary arguments and more functionality
- Fixed notifications not working on command cooldown "Slow down!" mentions
- Updated default bot user agent
- Fixed ServerRequestThreads still getting created for services deleted since bot startup
- Fixed bad grammar in /services delete message when mentioning a channel
- Fixed some log methods not having proper error handling
- Fixed bot embeds sometimes being logged twice
- Fixed bad spacing in log messages with multiple embeds/attachments
- Switched to using Discord timestamps for *map and *about that will show in the users timezone
- Reworked a lot of bot startup and event listener code with a better and more reliable design
- Added logging for slash command usage
- Fixed logging for the bots slash command responses
- Now using ChatInputInteractionEvent for slash commands, so other interactions don't trigger these listeners incorrectly
- Show which services are disabled in /services list
- Fixed all legacy commands not working after Discord pushed a breaking API change
- Added framework for slash commands
- Migrated *ping to /ping
- Migrated *services to /services (currently in BETA)
- Upgraded to Discord4J v3.2
- Added additional checks to the getServerInfo() HashMap to ensure the necessary values for tracking are there
- Simplified player name retrieval and fixed rare error with *players
- Improved *notify argument parsing logic
- Fixed *steam erroring if a newline was in the argument
- Stopped logging message edits & deletes
- Fixed *benchmark erroring on CPUs
- Blocked the bot from triggering notifications with any form of mentions (@user, @everyone etc)