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noyBarak edited this page Jun 28, 2016 · 2 revisions

#User management

###Iteration Goals: In this Iteration, We focused on users management. This iteration contains the following tasks:

  • Create users table
  • Log-in
  • Log-out
  • Forget password
  • Giving madeinjlm Admin permissions for Add/Remove company user

In addition, Although it does not belong to the current iteration, we enable to handle this tasks:

  • Hashing password using md5
  • Preparation for prevention brute attacks
  • Create ADMIN page

###Iteration Roles: The whole team.

###Iteration Current Tasks:

###Screenshot before Iteration:

###Screenshot After Iteration:

###Accumulated Completion Points:

Forget password 8
Passing to Client-Side 13
Add filter function 13
Add sort function According to client demand 13
Giving madeinjlm Admin permissions for Add/Remove company user 21
Total points:68

###Tests: We tested our code using manual testing. Depending on these tests ,we changed and amended the code.

###Iteration Conclusion:

  • we have failed in the "Forget password" task. this task moving to iteration 3.
  • ״Login״ task was much more complicated than we expected.

###Next Iteration: [Iteration 3] (