This project is about detecting strong gravitational lenses in the Kilo Degree Survey.
This project is based on the following project: & paper:
Use the following command to install required packages:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If you wish to make use of the max-tree segmentation as preprocessing step, then you need to take the following steps:
- Get the zip file "" from:
- Transfer this file to the machine that you will use (for example Peregrine)
- Load Python, for example I would do this on Peregrine: (This forces Python to be loaded)
- module load TensorFlow/2.1.0-fosscuda-2019b-Python-3.7.4
- module load matplotlib/3.1.1-fosscuda-2019b-Python-3.7.4
- module load scikit-image/0.16.2-fosscuda-2019b-Python-3.7.4
- Now that python is loaded you can install using: (This installs directly from .zip file)
pip3 install --user.
If succesful, then the parameter "do_max_tree_seg" can be set to True.
python3 --run=runs/experiment_folder/run.yaml
Input parameters of a run can be set in the following file: runs/experiment_folder/run.yaml.
If a run has completed, then a folder with a name such as: "/Strong_Gravitational_Lens_Detection_2.0/models/09_14_2020_09h_48m_56s_name_of_run/" has been created. If you want to compare models against each other than I recommend creating the following directory structure:
These three models will be compared against each other by running the following:
This will take you through a dialog that will guide you in plotting results.
Data can be requested.
The data is split in the following way:
- Train Data 80%
- Validation Data 10%
- Test Data 10%
In this binary classification problem three types of images with dimensions (101,101,1) are used:
- 100000 Sources (Simulated Lensing features as .fits files.)
- 5513 Lenses (An image of a galaxy probalby not showing strong gravitational lensing features.)
- 6083 Negatives (An image identified as not showing strong gravitational lensing features.)
More detailed information will be added later on. At this stage in the project, changes will be frequent.