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Satellite Software

yashikabatra15 edited this page Mar 9, 2022 · 31 revisions

Satellite Software


  • Can't read from the IMU: As suggested try changing the address from 0x69 to 0x68 in line 131 of lib/

self.IMU = bmx160.BMX160_I2C(self.i2c1,address=0x69)

Running Basic BeepSat Code on PyCubedMini Boards


PyCubed Beep-Sat Basic Guide can be found here.


  1. Download the latest Beep-Sat code from its GitHub Repo. Either download the zip or if you're familiar with git, fork & clone the repo.
  2. (Optional) With your PyCubed board plugged into your computer, backup your PYCUBED drive by copying its contents to a directory on your computer.
  3. Copy the files from /software_example_beepsat/basic/ to your PYCUBED drive, overwriting any files when prompted.

PyCubedMini Specific Instructions

  • Copy the files from the most recent flight-software lib directory to your PYCUBED driver, overwriting any files when prompted.
  • Change the import statement from pycubed import cubesat to from pycubedmini import pocketqube as cubesat. This ensures that you are importing the correct Satellite object from
  • Look at the first bullet point under troubleshooting if applicable.
  1. Open a serial terminal.

PyCubedMini Specific Instructions

At this point, you should get error messages on your terminal telling you that certain attributes being accessed by Tasks do not exist for your Satellite object. This is because there are a lot of initializations done on the Satellite object that are not part of the file. In order to fix this:

  • Copy the following lines (taken from the __init__ function in into the __init__ function in self.data_cache={} self.filenumbers={} self.vlowbatt=6.0 self.debug=True
  • Save and observe the output as the beep-sat conducts its mission.
  1. After observing the output in the terminal for a few moments, start working through understanding each task by stepping through the code breakdown discussion (below) while opening and playing with its respective file in /Tasks/


  • Can't read from the IMU: As suggested try changing the address from 0x69 to 0x68 in line 131 of lib/

self.IMU = bmx160.BMX160_I2C(self.i2c1,address=0x69)

Running Advanced BeepSat Code on PyCubedMini Boards

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