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in this repository we are going to set up and analyze data usng celescope from Singleron company we are going to follow the instactions here and we are going to analyze the SCGTEST_50 subpeoject


Clone the repository

git clone
cd CeleScope

Create conda enviroment

source ~/.bashrc
conda create -n celescope
conda activate celescope

Install required packages

Since we are now in CeleScope directory, we can find a file called conda_pkgs.txt

cat conda_pkgs.txt

This file include conda packages we need to install, we should run:

mamba create -n celescope -y --file conda_pkgs.txt

Using above command all packages there should be insralled but this is not working as excpected, so we can install all of them manually:

conda install -c bioconda star=2.6.1b
conda install -c bioconda subread=2.0.1
# This samtools version seems to be not avilable in conda 
#conda install -c bioconda samtools=1.16.1
conda install -c bioconda samtools
conda install -c bioconda bioconda::igblast
# This bcftools seems to be not avilable in conda 
#conda install -c bioconda bcftools=1.16 
conda install -c bioconda bcftools
conda install -c bioconda gatk4
conda install -c bioconda trust4=1.0.7
conda install -c bioconda snpeff
# We shouldn't install -c conda-forge gcc, it is alredy installed in lunix, I instaled and removed it, becouse the conda version of gcc is dfferent then the gcc++ version 
#conda install -c conda-forge gcc

Install celescope package using pip

~/anaconda3/envs/celescope/bin/pip install celescope

Now we have everything we need to analyze our data using celescope, since our data we are analyze is Single cell GEX we are going to follow the instructions from this toutorial

Create A Refernce Genome

Install the Refernce FASTA and GTF

Since our data consists of human genetic information, we need to install the human reference genome in order to map our FASTQ reads accurately. Additionally, we will install the GTF file for the reference genome, which contains the coordinates of genes and chromosomes. Note: This step may take some minutes

mkdir hs_ensembl_99
cd hs_ensembl_99


gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa.gz
gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.99.gtf.gz

Filter GTF File

This step not working

celescope utils mkgtf Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.99.gtf Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.99.filtered.gtf

Create the Refernce Gemnome

celescope rna mkref \
 --genome_name Homo_sapiens_ensembl_99_filtered \
 --fasta Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.primary_assembly.fa \
 --gtf Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.99.filtered.gtf


mkdir /projects/SCGTEST_50

Get LIMS info

The script


# Get information for each library (flow cell, lane, sample id, etc.)
# $1  needs to be the name of the project
/home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/scripts/ -sp $1 | sed 's/;/                                                                                                                                                             \t/g' > "lims_info_"$1".txt"

echo "Created LIMS information file: lims_info.txt"

How To Run


Now we have lims_info_SCGTEST_50.txt with all of information of the samples and project

since some fastq files/samples doesn't pass the filters we need to remove them from the lims_info_SCGTEST_50.txt file

awk -F'\t' -v column="LanePassFail" 'BEGIN {OFS=FS} NR==1 {for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) if ($i == column) col=i} $col != "fail"' lims_info_SCGTEST_50.txt > tmp_file && mv tmp_file lims_info_SCGTEST_50.txt

We have filterd lims file, we are ready for the next step

Get FASTQs Path

The script

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Writes fastq path by arranging proper flowcell, lane, index and read for a set of libraries

# Load packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import argparse

# Define command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "options to transfer feature-barcodes matrices from cluster to lcal")
                    dest = "subproject",
                    action = "store",
                    default = None,
                    help = "Subproject we are working on (i.e. BCLLATLAS_10)")
                    dest = "info_file",
                    action = "store",
                    default = None,
                    help = "Tab-delimited file with the information of Illumina sequence of libraries for that subproject")

options = parser.parse_args()
subproject = options.subproject
info_file = options.info_file

# Read file
lims = pd.read_csv(info_file, sep = "\t", header = 0)

# Assemble fastq paths combining flowcell, lane and index
fastq_path = "/scratch/project/production/fastq"
fastq_path_list_r1 = []
fastq_path_list_r2 = []
for idx in lims.index:
    fc = lims.loc[idx, "flowcell"]
    lane = lims.loc[idx, "lane"]
    index = lims.loc[idx, "index"]
    fastq_path_r1 = "{}/{}/{}/fastq/{}_{}_{}_1.fastq.gz".format(fastq_path, fc, lane, fc, lane, index)
    fastq_path_r2 = "{}/{}/{}/fastq/{}_{}_{}_2.fastq.gz".format(fastq_path, fc, lane, fc, lane, index)
library_id_l = list(lims["id"].append(lims["id"]))
p_l = "P" * len(fastq_path_list_r1)
indx_l = list(range(1, len(fastq_path_list_r1) + 1))
pair_id = [p_l[x] + str(indx_l[x]) for x in range(len(indx_l))]
fastq_path_l = fastq_path_list_r1
read_l = (["R1"] * lims.shape[0]) + (["R2"] * lims.shape[0])
fastq_dict = {"library_id":library_id_l, "fastq_path":fastq_path_l, "read":read_l, "pair_id":pair_id}
fastq_df = pd.DataFrame(fastq_dict)

fastq_df.to_csv("".format(subproject), header = True, index = False, sep="\t")

How To Run

First we need to activate any conda env with python:

source ~/.bashrc
conda activate sc_py

Run the script

python --subproject SCGTEST_49 --info_file lims_info_SCGTEST_49.txt

Create a Metadata File

This step should be in R


Path = "../Downloads/"
Files = list.files(paste0(Path), pattern = "lims_info_SCGTEST_49.txt")
All_Files = list()
metadata = list()
for (i in seq_along(Files)) {
  All_Files[[i]] = read.table(paste0(Path, Files[i]), sep = "\t", header = T)
  metadata[[i]] = data.frame(subproject = All_Files[[i]]$subproject, gem_id = All_Files[[i]]$SampleName,
                             library_id = All_Files[[i]]$id, library = All_Files[[i]]$library,
                             type = "not_hashed",donor_id = All_Files[[i]]$SampleName, flowcell = All_Files[[i]]$flowcell,
                             lane = All_Files[[i]]$lane, index = All_Files[[i]]$index)
  metadata[[i]]$gem_id = str_replace_all(string = metadata[[i]]$gem_id, pattern = "\\.", replacement = "_")
write.csv(metadata[[1]],paste0("../Downloads/SCGTEST_49.csv"), row.names = F)

Now we have SCGTEST_50.csv metadata file, let's go for the next step

Create a jobs directories and copy FASTQs to them

In this script we create a directory for each samples and copy the FASTQs files to this directory, we changed "["ln", "-s", fastq_path, "{}/{}_S1_L00{}_R{}_001.fastq.gz".format(symlink_path, gem_id, lane, read)])" to be this "["ln", "-s", fastq_path, "{}/{}S1_L00{}{}.fastq.gz".format(symlink_path, gem_id, lane, read)]). Ths gnerate FASTQs like this "CNAG_61_1_S1_L002_2.fastq.gz" instead of this "CNAG_61_1_S1_L002_R2_001.fastq.gz"

The script

# This script initializes the filesystem of this project:
# It creates a "jobs" folder which contains as many subdirectories as samples it has
# For each sample directory, it creates the following files/folders:
# 1. fastq: dir with the symlinks pointing to the fastq files
# 2. log: dir which contains standard error and output of cellranger
# 3. (sample_id).cmd: job script to compute the features-barcode matrix using cellranger

# Import required packages
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import os
import argparse
import subprocess
import re
import sys
import config_vars as cfg
from utils import *

# Define command-line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = "options to initialize the filesystem and scripts of this project")
                    dest = "subproject",
                    action = "store",
                    default = None,
                    help = "Subproject we are working on (i.e. BCLLATLAS_10)")
                    dest = "gem_id",
                    action = "store",
                    default = None,
                    help = "Gel Beads in Emulsion id")
                    dest = "verbose",
                    action = "store_true",
                    default = False,
                    help = "Print log in standard error")
                    dest = "metadata",
                    action = "store",
                    default = None,
                    help = "Metadata csv file for the tonsil atlas project")
                    dest = "fastq_paths",
                    action = "store",
                    default = None,
                    help = "File that contains the paths of the fastqs for the subproject libraries")

def create_fastq_symlink_nh(gem_id, fastq_path_df, symlink_path):
    """Creates a symbolic link pointing to a fastq file using cellranger notation

      gem_id: identifier of the Gelbeads-in-Emulsion (GEM) well that will be used as prefix in the symlink
      fastq_path_df: pandas dataframe with the fastq paths for that gem_id
      symlink_path: string specifying where to create the symlinks

    pair_ids = np.unique(fastq_path_df["pair_id"])
    for i in range(len(pair_ids)):
        filt = (fastq_path_df["pair_id"] == pair_ids[i])
        pair_df = fastq_path_df.loc[filt, :]
        for j in pair_df.index:
            fastq_path = pair_df.loc[j, "fastq_path"]
            lane = str(i + 1)
            read = pair_df.loc[j, "read"]
            read = read.replace("R", "")
  ["ln", "-s", fastq_path, "{}/{}_S1_L00{}_{}.fastq.gz".format(symlink_path, gem_id, lane, read)])

options = parser.parse_args()
subproject = options.subproject
gem_id = options.gem_id
metadata_path = options.metadata
fastq_paths = options.fastq_paths

# Read data
project_dir = "/home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/{}".format(subproject)
fastq_path_df = pd.read_csv(fastq_paths, sep = "\t", header = 0)
metadata_df = pd.read_csv(metadata_path, sep = ",", header = 0)
if options.verbose:
    sys.stderr.write("Files read successfully!\n")

# For each sample, create directories and jobscript
if not os.path.exists("{}/jobs".format(project_dir)):
filt = (metadata_df["gem_id"] == gem_id)
metadata_df = metadata_df.loc[filt]

# Create directories
subproject_dir = "{}/jobs/{}".format(project_dir, gem_id)
fastq_dir = "{}/fastq".format(subproject_dir)
log_dir = "{}/log".format(subproject_dir)
for direct in [subproject_dir, fastq_dir, log_dir]:
    if not os.path.exists(direct):

# Define variables and subset dataframes
library_id = metadata_df.loc[filt, "library_id"]
fastq_sub_df = fastq_path_df.loc[fastq_path_df["library_id"].isin(library_id), :]
type = metadata_df["type"]
type = type.values[0]

# Create symmlinks to fastq files
create_fastq_symlink_nh(gem_id, fastq_sub_df, fastq_dir)

How To Run

python 3-copy_fastqs  --subproject SCGTEST_50 --fastq_paths --metadata SCGTEST_50.csv --gem_id CNAG_61_1
python 3-copy_fastqs  --subproject SCGTEST_50 --fastq_paths --metadata SCGTEST_50.csv --gem_id CNAG_61_2

Create a Mapfile

Mapfile is a Required tab-delimited text file to run celescope with at least three columns. Each line of mapfile represents paired-end fastq files.

1st column: Fastq file prefix. 2nd column: Fastq file directory path. 3rd column: Sample name, which is the prefix of all output files. 4th column: The 4th column has different meaning for each assay. For rna, it means forced cell number and it's an optional column. For other assays, see here.

To generate this file we need to create a bash script:

The script


# Check for correct number of arguments
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
    echo "Usage: $0 <directory_path> <sample_name>"
    exit 1

# Assign inputs to variables

# Check if the directory exists
if [ ! -d "$directory_path" ]; then
    echo "Directory does not exist: $directory_path"
    exit 1

# List all files in the directory, filter for unique names before "_1.fastq.gz" or "_2.fastq.gz"
file_names=$(find "$directory_path" -type f -name '*_1.fastq.gz' -o -name '*_2.fastq.gz' | sed -E 's|.*/([^/]+)_[12].fastq.gz|\1|' | sort -u)

# Loop through unique file names and append to mapfile.txt
for file in $file_names; do
    echo -e "$file\t$directory_path\t$sample_name" >> mapfile.txt

This file take mainly three inputs: 1- Fastq file prefix 2- Fastq file directory path 3- Sample name

How To Run

./ CNAG_61_1 /home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/SCGTEST_50/jobs/CNAG_61_1/fastq CNAG_61_1
./ CNAG_61_2 /home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/SCGTEST_50/jobs/CNAG_61_2/fastq CNAG_61_2

This should generate a file looks like:

CNAG_61_1	/home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/SCGTEST_50/jobs/CNAG_61_1/fastq	CNAG_61_1
CNAG_61_1	/home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/SCGTEST_50/jobs/CNAG_61_1/fastq	CNAG_61_1

Which CNAG_61_1 is the prefex of FASTQs, /home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/projects/SCGTEST_50/jobs/CNAG_61_1/fastq the path of FASTQs and CNAG_61_1 is the sample name

Generate scripts for each sample

Since we have a different samples, Celescope have a script to generate a script for each sample seperetly, we need to define where is the mapfile and where is refernce genome

The Script

        --mapfile ./mapfile.txt\
        --genomeDir /home/groups/singlecell/mabdalfttah/CeleScope/hs_ensembl_99\
        --thread 8\
        --mod sjm\
        --expected_cell_num 5000

How To Run


After you sh, a shell directory containing {sample}.sh files will be generated, in our case we have shell/ shell/

Create a Cluster job

Since this script should run directory but it doesn't assum you are going to run this in a cluster, we need generate a .cmd file to make this file run in the cluster

The Script


# Check if the user provided an input file as an argument
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 <input_file>"
  exit 1

output_file="${}.cmd"  # Generate the output filename with .cmd extension

# Check if the input file exists
if [ ! -f "$input_file" ]; then
  echo "Input file '$input_file' does not exist."
  exit 1

# Define the content to be added to the input file
content_to_add=$(cat <<EOF
#SBATCH --job-name="$1"
#SBATCH --mail-type=all
#SBATCH [email protected]
#SBATCH --output=%x.slurm.%J.out
#SBATCH --error=%x.slurm.%J.err
#SBATCH --time=11:00:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --qos=normal
#SBATCH --partition=genD
#SBATCH --mem=32G

echo [\$(date "+%Y-%m-%d %T")] started job on \$HOSTNAME


# Append the content to the input file and create the output file
echo "$content_to_add" > "$output_file"
cat "$input_file" >> "$output_file"

# Make the output file executable (if needed)
chmod +x "$output_file"

echo "Script added to '$input_file' and saved as '$output_file'"

How To Run

chmod +x
./ shell/
./ shell/

You will find a two script called shell/CNAG_61_1.cmd shell/CNAG_61_2.cmd inside shell directory

Submit a job script

Finally, Submit a hob script to the cluster and wait your result

cd shell 
sbatch CNAG_61_1.cmd
sbatch CNAG_61_2.cmd


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