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Matthew Denton edited this page Dec 15, 2020 · 1 revision

Hydration adds a new element to keep track of as your roam the world, acting much like hunger, it will slowly deplete as you wonder around. The warmer you are the more you'll sweat and losing hydration faster.


  enabled: true
  increase-from-activity: true
  sweat: true
    enabled: true
    amount: 0.5
    delay: 2000
    enabled: true
    style: BOSSBAR
    warning-flash: true
    format: "%flash%H²O %data% %effects%"
      ico: ""
        full: "aqua"
        half: "cyan"
        empty: "gray"
        full: "green"
        half: "dark green"
        empty: "gray"
  drink-from-open-water: true
    enabled: true
    amount: 0.1
    water_bottle: 2
    potion: 1.5
    milk_bucket: 5
    cooked_beef: 0.5
    cooked_pork: 0.5
    cooked_chicken: 0.5
    cooked_rabbit: 0.5
    cooked_mutton: 0.5
    cooked_cod: 0.5
    cooked_salmon: 0.5
    bread: -1
    honey_bottle: 1
    melon_slice: 1
    mushroom_stew: 2
    rabbit_stew: 1.5
    beetroot_soup: 2
    dried_kelp: -0.3
    cookie: -0.1
    apple: 0.5
    golden_apple: 0.5
    enchanted_golden_apple: 2


  enabled: true
  increase-from-activity: true
  sweat: true
  drink-from-open-water: true
  • enabled - Sets if the hydration system is enabled.
  • increase-from-activity - When enabled sprinting will cause a slight increase in hydration loss.
  • sweat - When enabled players will sweat and lose hydration when they become more hot.
  • drink-from-open-water - When enabled players will be able to drink from open water.


    enabled: true
    style: BOSSBAR
    warning-flash: true
    format: "%flash%H²O %data% %effects%"
  • enabled - Sets if the display is enabled. Useful to turn off if using placeholders to display hydration.
  • style - Sets the style to use.
    • BOSSBAR - Uses a boss bar to display hydration.
    • XP_BAR - Uses the players XP bar as a percent.
    • ACTIONBAR - Displayed above the players hotbar.
  • warning-flash - If enabled and the players hydration is below 4 (2 bubbles) it will start flashing red.
  • format - The format used for the hydration display.


    • %flash% - Sets where the flash will start from, any text after this will flash red if flashing.
    • %data% - Replaced with hydration, it changes between a percentage for the hydration and a bubble bar for the action bar.
    • %effects% - Replaced with the thirst effect when the player has it and the timer for it.


      ico: ""
        full: "aqua"
        half: "cyan"
        empty: "gray"
        full: "green"
        half: "dark green"
        empty: "gray"
  • ico - Sets the icon used for the bubble bar.
  • normal - Colours used normally.
  • thirsty - Colours used when the player has the thirst effect.
  • full - Sets the colour used when the bubble it full.
  • half - Sets the colour used when the bubble it half.
  • empty - Sets the colour used when the bubble it empty.

Thirst Effect

    enabled: true
    amount: 0.1

The thirst effect is added to a player when they drink from open water (such as the ocean) and will make their hydration deplete faster.

  • enabled - Sets if the effect is enabled.
  • amount - Sets how much hydration the player will lose each random tick for the player. There is a 50% chance every half a second to lost this amount of hydration when the player has the effect.


Consumables are items that can be eaten by the player. Every item can be assigned a specific hydration level to add to the player when they are consumed.

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