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Ana Cristina Franco da Silva edited this page Jan 29, 2021 · 2 revisions

Let's understand some MBP concepts so that you can start configuring your IoT environment! The following figure shows how IoT concepts are used in the MBP:

In the following, we provide a brief description of IoT concepts used in the MBP:

  • Multi-purpose Binding and Provisioning Platform (MBP): an IoT platform developed for the easy installation and management of IoT environments.
  • IoT environment (or smart environment): an environment containing physical devices, sensors, and actuators, which are interconnected through a network. An IoT environment is managed by an IoT platform and can be configured to realize tasks automatically (that is, to be smart) through its IoT platform. Examples of IoT environments are smart homes, smart cities or smart factories.
  • Device: usually a compact computer providing some processing power, for example, Raspberry Pis, personal computers, and smartphones. A device is connected to or contains sensors and actuators.
  • Sensor: a physical component that can measure physical characteristics of an environment, for example, light, heat, motion, moisture or pressure.  
  • Actuator: a physical component that can change physical characteristics of an environment, for example, by opening a valve or turning on a ventilator.
  • Extraction operator: a software that extracts data from a sensor. It is normally installed on the device connected to the sensor. It also handles the communication between the device and the MBP IoT platform.
  • Control operator: a software that controls an actuator. It is normally installed on the device connected to the actuator. It also handles the communication between the device and the MBP.
  • Rule: an event-condition-action statement, which can be created for an IoT environment. When an event meets the specified condition, the specified action is executed automatically. By defining rules for their environments, users are able to tell their environments how they should react to events (for example, a specific sensor value or environment state) when they occur.
  • IoT application: a sofware that uses information gathered by sensors and devices of an IoT environment to execute tasks automatically. The gathered information gives insights about the current state of the IoT environment, so that an IoT application can decide when to act on the environment by using actuators. An IoT application can be created based on a set of rules or it can be a more sophisticated software. In the MBP, IoT applications can be created based on rules for IoT environments.

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