PyGMI stands for Python Geoscience Modelling and Interpretation. It is a modelling and interpretation suite aimed at magnetic, gravity and other datasets. It includes:
- Magnetic and Gravity 3D forward modelling
- Cluster Analysis
- Routines for cutting, reprojecting and doing simple modifications to data
- Convenient display of data using pseudo-color, ternary and sunshaded representation
It is released under the Gnu General Public License version 3.0
For license information see the file LICENSE.txt
PyGMI will run on both Windows and Linux. It should be noted that the main development is now being done in Python 3.7 on Windows.
PyGMI is developed and has been tested with the following libraries in order to function:
- python 3.7.4
- GDAL 3.0.2
- llvmlite 0.29.0
- matplotlib 3.1.1
- numba 0.45.1
- numexpr 2.7.0
- numpy 1.16.5
- pillow 6.2.1
- pandas 0.25.1
- pyopengl 3.1.3b2
- pyqt5 5.13.1
- scipy 1.3.1
- scikit_learn 0.21.3
- scikit_image 0.16.2
- setuptools 41.0.1
- segyio 1.8.8
- geopandas 0.6.1
- pytest 5.1.2
- mtpy 1.1.3
The easiest way to install pygmi if you are working in a python environment is to use the pip command as follows:
pip install pygmi
This will download pygmi from PyPI and install it within your python repository. Please note the use of pip when installing PyGMI may cause Anaconda installations to break. Anaconda users should follow the instructions below.
Alternatively, if you satisfy the requirements, you can download pygmi either from Github or PyPI, extract it and run the following command from within the extracted directory:
python install
In either case, running pygmi can be now done at the command prompt as follows:
If you are in python, you can run PyGMI by using the following commands:
import pygmi
If you prefer not to install pygmi as a library, or if there is a problem with running it in that matter, you can simply execute the following command to run it manually:
I have now made available convenient installers for PyGMI, thanks to Cyrille Rossant.
Installers are available in 64-bit
Running the software can be achieved through the shortcut on your desktop.
You may need to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable. It can be obtained from here
Linux normally comes with python installed, but the additional libraries will still need to be installed. One convenient option is to install the above libraries through Anaconda.
After installation of python, you can follow the instructions under General.
Anaconda users are advised not to use pip since it can break PyQt5. However, two packages are installed only by pip, so a Conda environment should be created. The process to install is as follows:
conda create -n pygmi python=3.7
conda install pyqt
conda install numpy
conda install scipy
conda install numexpr
conda install gdal
conda install pillow
conda install matplotlib
conda install numba
conda install pandas
conda install scikit-learn
conda install scikit-image
conda install geopandas
conda install pyopengl
conda install pyyaml
pip install mtpy
pip install segyio
Once this is done, download pygmi, extract it to a directory, and run it from its root directory with the following command:
Alternatively, if you satisfy the requirements, you can run the following command from within the extracted directory:
python install
Running pygmi can be now done at the command prompt as follows: