- Added custom profiles to the modelling interface
- Added test routines for PyGMI modules
- Added change detection viewer
- Added BIRRP interface
- Added supervised classification
- Added segmentation
- Fixed a bug causing the measured data in the 3D modeller to shift in the wrong place
- Added MT processing and inversion
- Added import and display of SEG-Y data
- Added basic gravity processing
- Change line direction to be 0 degrees in N direction. Added parallel processing to magnetic calculations
- Added parallel processing to core calculations for forward modelling
- New 3D modelling interface
- QC for seismology events
- Added tilt depth to 3D model functionality
- Gridding now has an option for a null value.
- Added geosoft line data import and display.
- Added older crisp and fuzzy cluster routines
- Numerous bug fixes and improvements.
- Fixed bug in IGRF for linux systems
- Fixed dependency on winsound for linux systems
- Fixed bug on metadata for linux systems
- Added updated IGRF coefficients
- Bug fixes in saving of 3d model, when it is used by another process, and in reading csv vector data.
- IGRF bugfix: fixed a bug relating to newer numpy
- Maintenance: Cleaned code in the equation editor.
- Add more control to Anaglyphs
- Fixed the orientation of anaglyph contours
- Fixed a bug in beachball code.
- Introduced anaglyphs for raster data.
- Updated color bar list to new standards
- Minor changes and a bugfix between ginterp.py and the latest matplotlib.
- Added directional lighting to 3D display
- Added axis and orthographic projection option to 3D display view.
- Added perspective change to beachball plots
- Corrected clustering label.
- Bugfix on lithmodel.
- Correction to profile coordinates to place profile in centre of cell, as opposed to beginning of it.
- Added IGRF report backs.
- Fixed bugs with tensor calculations
- fix for error exporting text columns
- fixed a bug with calculating changes only on model
- made changed to the way matplotlib calls are made.
- speed improvements to gravity and magnetic calcs
- Fuzzy and Crisp clustering replaced by scikit_learn cluster analysis.
- Import of csv point data enhanced and new cut tool added for point data.
- Dependancies updated. Minor bugs fixed
- Removed the auto update check due to problems it was giving on many pc's
- Fixed bugs with smoothing data and merging data
- Got rid of excessive old code.
- Fixed a bug with null values from equation editor.
- Fixed null value bug exporting rgb tiffs. (8-bit)
- Changed the profile views so that calculated data is drawn over observed data.
- Fixed bugs relating to selection of raster bands going to modelling, and saving of those raster bands.
- Fixed bug on data import for Qt5
- Added Lith Merge
- Migrated to Qt5
- Fixed incorrect calculation of remanence.
- 3d import fix.
- Fix for 3d import from text files.
- Anaglyph tests.
- Minor maintenence.
- Seismology Focmec format update.
- Added feature to calculate only changes to model.
- Fixed leapfrog import bug when header is in csv file.
- Readme update.
- Added import of Leapfrog csv blockfiles
- Fixed bug exporting ER Mapper files using SA custion projection
- Fixed a bug in 3D model software
- Bug fix for merge module
- Added a tool to merge two models
- reactivated a progress bar display
- alpha speed update
- update modelling calculation using multi processing.
- numerous bug fixes
- Fixed some setup bugs
- Fixed an bug saving and opening files, introduced in previous commit.
- Bug fixes and prep for PyQt5
- Fixed a bug exporting 3D image.
- New version also checks for an update on pypi
- Fixed a bug with no mask exported from modeller.
- Added aster GED (binary) and fixed a bug on hdr aster GED import.
- Update to misc function
- Fixed a bug when resizing a model
- Bugfix in kmz export and in quarry event removal algorithm
- Fixes to shapefile 3D export
- Update to beachball, vertical gradient and export 3d model to shapefile
- Update to picture overlay on 3D modelling
- Fault plane solutions
- Update readme taking into account anaconda bug
- Added some Raster imports
- Fixed a bug preventing the saving of an image in the 3D viewer. It was caused by a changing library API.
- Fixed the reduction to the pole module.
- Removed pdb in crisp clust
- Fixed bug affecting export of integer datasets
- Arcinfo grid
- Fixed a new bug with equation editor
- Added save message for 3D model save.
- Equation editor fix: Added null values, Fixed masking of null values
- Added alpha version Vertical Gradients - but there is still lots of work to be done. It does not play well with null values.
- Bugfix with export csv
- New exports all profiles from a 3-d model
- Fixed a bug crashing regional test
- Fixed a bug where null values were not set correctly in the normalisation routine.
- Fixed a problem with an offset on calculated magnetic data, introduced in v2.2.8
- Fixed a bug when using the Seismology Delete Records option.
- Removed libraries not needed etc
- Fixed a problem with adding a gravity regional dataset to calculated gravity.
- Updates to the speed of the calculation for magnetic data.
- Update to setup for hosting on pypi
- Added the possibility for ENVI files to have .dat extension
- Allowed uint files to have a no data value of 0 where none is defined
- Fixed bug with surfer export
- Fixed bug with regional test
- Equation editor bug fix
- Fixed a bug where profiles were not saving to images correctly
- Progress Bar on Main Interface. New progress bars include time left.
- Reprojecting bug fix for datasets with negative values.
- Fixes to tilt depth and new progress bars
- Added Column to tilt depth to specify contour id. Also removed redundant progress bars. Sped up smoothing with median.
- Added tilt depth algorithm.
- Bug Fix with tilt angle.
- Added RTP.
- Cluster and Fuzzy analysis had a bug when connecting external data
- Changed where rows and cols displays on modelling software, for people with lower resolution screens. Made small improvement to drawing speed on profile view.
- Added references to the help.
- Modelling now has variable size cursor.
- Change to modelling cursor.
- Updates the behaviour of the slider on the profile view of the 3D modelling module.
- Grids on kmz export were upside down
- Mag and Grav calculation buttons simplified.
- Gravity regional addition (scalar add) in modelling program now modify calculated data, instead of observed data - so that original data is honoured.
- Update to kmz export. The export now can allow smooth models. Update also allows new projection format for igrf, data reprojection and kmz files.
- Projections improved and expanded.
- Geotiff now save tfw world file. Contour Geotiffs are now 3 times bigger, to improve resolution. Contour lines now have double thickness.
- Sunshaded Geotiff is now the same as the on screen version.
- Add save model to 3D modelling module.
- Primary Help completed.
- First version with a helpdoc button on main interface.
- Fixed a bug on the Geosoft import.
- Fixed a display bug in modeller where data was not visible.
- Added Geosoft grid import
- Added Geopak grid import
- Fixed a python 2.7 print function bug
- Increased size of font for ternary colorbar.
- Corrected issues with modelling information display, especially w.r.t. remanence.
- Added ternary colorbar
- Fixed ability to save 3D images on new smoothing
- Bug fix - masking problem with ER Mapper import
- Added extra 3D display functionality
- Added smooth model
- Added marching cubes
- Forced full field recalc to avoid bug
- Fixed layer import bug
- Bug Fix in model import
- Fixed bug when resizing some models
- Fix for bad values in reprojections.
- New display of point data.
- Equation editor improved to use numexpr.
- Fixed a bug regarding duplicate data names in interpretation module.
- Added a few reports in 3D modelling module.
- Improved the multi-band select by making it a context menu.
- Update help reference.
- Update to python 3.4.2 - includes a dependency on numba. No longer use cython
- Added some seismology routines.
- Fixed writing of null value to file when exporting ENVI format.
- Query for which datasets to connect added.
- Added new gridding technique. and fixed bugs related to vector imports.
- Add a custom data range to the profile view on the modelling module.
- Fixed problems with the potential field calculations
- Fixed bugs with the equation editor
- Fixed a bug with basic statistics and masked values
- Fixed a bug fix in the summing of calculations for modelling
- Fixed a problem when exporting color bars
- Fixed sunshade bug
- IGRF bug fixes
- Fixed problem with high colors in geotiff export
- Fixed a bug saving geotiffs
- Fixed bug on apply regional in modelling
- ASCII Import fixed
- Minor bug fixes and formatting
- Fixed imports into modules to allow for relative imports
- Fixed a bug in setup.py
- Fixed a bad reference to pygmi.point in setup.py. It should now be pygmi.vector
- Improvements to calculation speed
- Regional model merge
- Allows merging of a regional model with primary model
- Multiprocessing support added to potential field calculation.
- Fixed bug with ascii model export
- ASCII model export bug fixed
- Export is renamed from xyz to csv
- Fixed IGRF bugs
- Organisation of graph routines
- Rose Diagrams and shape files added
- Fixed progress bar on forward modelling
- Implemented multiprocessing on forward modelling
- Added custom profile display
- Testing routine
- Added a testing routine for forward modelling.
- I/O bug fixes
- Import and export bug fixes, especially with null values
- Fixes to name mangling
- Fixes to Smoothing and data cutting
- Converted code to functions for easier library access.
- Modified smoothing algorithm and added better comments
- Python 2.7 Compatibility changes
- Fixed import problem with pickle
- A module was moved and this prevented some data being loaded. This was fixed
- Fixed a bug which caused figures to pop up independent of the GUI
- Increased the decimal precision of the density input in the modelling module
- Changes to make PyGMI functions accessible
- Exposed some raster functions
- Initial Release