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List of tasks and responsible partner

Juan Luis Cardoso edited this page Mar 14, 2016 · 5 revisions
Task Responsibility Status
Setup a GitHub repository AVINET In progress
Create a virtual machine image SINERGIS Done
Install in data center

GISIG sets up domain point to IP

SINERGIS installs running virtual machine

Can make decision on permanent hosting later

Done (installation, hosting)
Provide access Two parties need access. Otherwise, deployment, release will be coordinated through SINERGIS In progress
Create application data model See item 3 below In progress
Install basic applications

SINERGIS to install and configure

In progress
Develop application data model AVINET, SINERGIS To be done
Preload datasets AVINET, SINERGIS, TUAS, UDG In progress
Develop administrator AVINET, SINERGIS, EPSIT, GISIG
Develop web map services AVINET, SINERGIS
Develop query services AVINET, SINERGIS
Develop network calculation services AVINET, SINERGIS
Develop analysis services AVINET, SINERGIS
Develop CCGI services AVINET, SINERGIS
Develop JavaScript library INTERGRAPH CS, GEOBID, AVINET