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GSC Estimation of CO2

Piergiorgio edited this page Aug 24, 2016 · 11 revisions

Estimation of CO2 equivalent emission


Similarly to the estimation of the energy performance, the calculation of the CO2 emissions will be based on an algorithm that uses in input spatial feature (buildings) with attributes containing the value of the estimated energy performance.

Work done

Technical analysis and development as WPS operation (Geoserver) with calculation at database level (PostreSQL/PostGIS). Deployment on as GeoServer WPS.

Work remaining


Current issues



The goal of this service is the estimation of equivalent tons of CO2 emissions for buildings , based on the energy performance. Similarly to the estimation of the energy performance, the calculation of the CO2 emissions will be based on an algorithm that uses as input spatial feature (buildings) with attributes like energy performance. The service is provided using the WPS standard. The implementation is based on the geoserver WPS extensions.

The estimation of the tons of CO2 emissions will be performed using the standard wps request. The request takes as input the following information:

  • buildings: the gml from getFeature of buildings layer.
  • fieldIsConsumption: Field name that indicates if input is the consumption (default: is_consumption).
  • fieldEnergyAmount: Field name that indicates the energy amount (default: energy_amount).
  • fieldEnergyUom: Field name that indicates the unit of measure for energy (default: energy_uom).
  • fieldLocation: Field name that indicates the location (default: location_city).
  • fieldFuel: Field name that indicates the fuel. Fuel is mandatory if the input is consumption (default: fuel).
  • fieldYear: Field name that indicates the year (default: year).

As result of the computation a FeatureCollection is returned. It contains the same properties of input plus co2_amount and co2_uom.

Test case

To test the process click this link and choose "Buildings CO2 emissions estimation".