- Do not clone; make this directory by installing the top-level directory
- Set up an imageDrop
- Put Dushoff's 3SS Dropbox into ~/Dropbox/3SS or
- Put it elsewhere and link to it (see local.mk in Makefile) or
- make your own Dropbox called 3SS and see what happens (things in webpix should be fetched, unless some links outdated; not sure what will happen with my_images) or
- some hybrid approach (you might want webpix to not be a Dropbox for example, and just use my_images Dropbox)
This directory is under development, but intro stuff should be make-able
- unit.draft.pdf for draft slides
- unit.final.pdf for final slides (with pauses, and less markup)
- unit.handouts.pdf for handouts
- unit.complete.pdf for complete notes
This seems to just work for intro.draft.pdf