This Project includes a testsuite to test the QM-Website. The Tests are written with Geb/Spock. The Tests can be executed with Chrome and Firefox (use Mavenprofiles 'chrome' or 'firefox'). A report ist generated at the end. The project can be run with Linux, Windows or MacOs.
Please use jdk >= 11. Jdk16 is not supported, as it is not compatible with the used Groovy-Version. The testsuite was developed using Chrome 89 and Firefox 88.
Just call mvn clean install
to execute the testsuite with chrome im headless-mode.
mvn clean install -Pfirefox
to use Firefox.
mvn clean install -Ddriver.headless=false
to execute the suite in non-Headless mode.
The reports are generated to /target
A zip ( is created containing the reports and the screenshots taken.