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File metadata and controls

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Azure SQL Database Service

Azure SQL Database is a relational database service in the cloud based on the market-leading Microsoft SQL Server engine, with mission-critical capabilities.



  1. If the server dose not exist, and the operator allows the service broker to create a new server, then create the SQL server.

  2. Create a database.


  • The operator can enable or disable the option for SQL service broker to create new server, in the meta service broker manifest file, see the "Modules related configurations" section here for details.


  1. Check whether creating database succeeds or not.

  2. Enable Transparent Data Encryption if it is turned on in the configuration.


  1. Login to the master database, create Login with generated name and password by following SQL server password policy.

  2. Login to the newly created database, create a new user for the Login with the name.

  3. Login to the newly created database, grant permission "CONTROL" to the user.

 4. Collect credentials.



  1. Login to the newly created database, drop the user for the Login.

  2. Login to the master database of the server, drop the Login.


  • A temporary firewall rule will be created to allow service broker to access the server if some login was refused by firewall. And it will be deleted after the last login.

  • Maybe the temporary firewall rule needs to be deleted manually if Unbind fails. The rule name is 'broker-temp-rule-<sqldbName>'.


  1. Delete the database.


  1. Check whether deleting database succeeds or not.


  1. Change the SQL Server password in the broker database to the supplied one or change the service plan.

Create an Azure SQL Database service

  1. Get the service name and plans
cf marketplace

Sample output:

service         plans                                                                                                                                                            description
azure-sqldb     basic*, StandardS0*, StandardS1*, StandardS2*, StandardS3*, PremiumP1*, PremiumP2*, PremiumP4*, PremiumP6*, PremiumP11*, DataWarehouse100*, DataWarehouse1200*   Azure SQL Database Service

If you can not find the service name, please use the following command to make the plans public.

cf enable-service-access azure-sqldb
  1. Create a service instance

Create a datbase on a new server

Configuration parameters are supported with the provision request. These parameters are passed in a valid JSON object containing configuration parameters, provided either in-line or in a file.

cf create-service azure-sqldb $service_plan $service_instance_name -c $path_to_parameters

Supported configuration parameters:

  "resourceGroup": "<resource-group>",        // [Required] Unique. Only allow up to 90 characters
  "location": "<azure-region-name>",          // [Required] e.g. eastasia, eastus2, westus, etc. You can use azure cli command 'azure location list' to list all locations.
  "sqlServerName": "<sql-server-name>",       // [Required] Unique. sqlServerName cannot be empty or null. It can contain only lowercase letters, numbers and '-', but can't start or end with '-' or have more than 63 characters.
  "sqlServerParameters": {
    "allowSqlServerFirewallRules": [          // [Optional] If present, ruleName, startIpAddress and endIpAddress are mandatory in every rule.
        "ruleName": "<rule-name-0>",
        "startIpAddress": "xx.xx.xx.xx",
        "endIpAddress": "xx.xx.xx.xx"
        "ruleName": "<rule-name-1>",
        "startIpAddress": "xx.xx.xx.xx",
        "endIpAddress": "xx.xx.xx.xx"
    "properties": {
       "administratorLogin": "<sql-server-admin-name>",
       "administratorLoginPassword": "<sql-server-admin-password>"
    "connectionPolicy": "<policy>"            // [Optional] The acceptable values are: "Default" | "Redirect" | "Proxy". The default value is "Default". See details:
  "sqldbName": "<sql-database-name>",         // [Required] Not more than 128 characters. Can't end with '.' or ' ', can't contain '<,>,*,%,&,:,\,/,?' or control characters.
  "transparentDataEncryption": true | false,  // Enable Transparent Data Encryption on the database. Defaults to false.
  "sqldbParameters": {                        // If you want to set more child parameters, see details here:
    "properties": {
      "collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS | <or-other-valid-sqldb-collation>"

For example:

cf create-service azure-sqldb basic mysqldb -c examples/sqldb-example-config.json

The contents of examples/sqldb-example-config.json:

    "resourceGroup": "azure-service-broker",
    "location": "eastus",
    "sqlServerName": "generated-string",
    "sqlServerParameters": {
        "allowSqlServerFirewallRules": [
                "ruleName": "all",
                "startIpAddress": "",
                "endIpAddress": ""
        "properties": {
            "administratorLogin": "generated-string",
            "administratorLoginPassword": "generated-string"
    "sqldbName": "generated-string",
    "transparentDataEncryption": true,
    "sqldbParameters": {
        "properties": {
            "collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"

Please refer this example if using existing server specified in the broker manifest.


  • If the SQL server which you specify doesn't exist, the broker will check the priviledge of creating server set in broker manifest. A new server will be created if allowed.

  • To see a list of collation values valid for use with Azure SQL Database, use this query:

    SELECT name, description FROM fn_helpCollations()
  • If you want to set more child parameters in sqldbParameters, see details here:

  • Please remove the comments in the JSON file before you use it.

Above parameters are also the defaults if the broker operator doesn't change broker default settings. You can just run the following command to create a service instance without the json file:

cf create-service azure-sqldb basic mysqldb

Create a datbase on am existing server

Parameters can be simpler:

    "sqlServerName": "<sql-server-name>",       // [Required] Unique. sqlServerName cannot be empty or null. It can contain only lowercase letters, numbers and '-', but can't start or end with '-' or have more than 63 characters. 
    "sqldbName": "<sql-database-name>",         // [Required] Not more than 128 characters. Can't end with '.' or ' ', can't contain '<,>,*,%,&,:,\,/,?' or control characters.
    "transparentDataEncryption": true | false,  // Enable Transparent Data Encryption on the database. If not present, it follows the broker manifest. Defaults to false. 
    "sqldbParameters": {                        // If you want to set more child parameters, see details here:
        "properties": {
            "collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS | <or-other-valid-sqldb-collation>"

For example, to create a database on the existing server named sqlservera:

    "sqlServerName": "sqlservera",
    "sqldbName": "generated-string",
    "transparentDataEncryption": true,
    "sqldbParameters": {
        "properties": {
            "collation": "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS"

Above parameters are also the defaults if the broker operator doesn't change broker default settings. You can just run the following command to create a service instance without the json file:

cf create-service azure-sqldb basic mysqldb -c '{"sqlServerName": "sqlservera"}'
  1. Check the operation status of creating the service instance

The creating operation is asynchronous. You can get the operation status after the creating operation.

cf service $service_instance_name

For example:

cf service mysqldb

More information.

Using the services in your application


cf bind-service $app_name $service_instance_name

For example:

cf bind-service demoapp mysqldb

Format of Credentials

Verify that the credentials are set as environment variables

cf env $app_name

The credentials have the following format:

"credentials": {
  "sqldbName": "sqlDbA",
  "sqlServerName": "fake-server",
  "sqlServerFullyQualifiedDomainName": "",
  "databaseLogin": "ulrich",
  "databaseLoginPassword": "u1r8chP@ss",
  "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:sqlserver://;database=fake-database;user=fake-admin;password=fake-password;Encrypt=true;TrustServerCertificate=false;HostNameInCertificate=*;loginTimeout=30",
  "jdbcUrlForAuditingEnabled": "jdbc:sqlserver://;database=fake-database;user=fake-admin;password=fake-password;Encrypt=true;TrustServerCertificate=false;HostNameInCertificate=*;loginTimeout=30",
  "hostname": "",
  "port": 1433,
  "name": "sqlDbA",
  "username": "ulrich", 
  "password": "u1r8chP@ss",
  "uri": "mssql://ulrich:u1r8chP@[email protected]:1433/sqlDbA?encrypt=true&TrustServerCertificate=false&HostNameInCertificate=*"


  • If using jdbcUrlForAuditingEnabled on Azure China Cloud, you need to:

    1. Follow this doc to import a certification to a key store file cacerts.

    2. Follow this doc, fork the official java buildpack and add the cacerts.

    3. Push your app with the customized buildpack in #2.

  • The part hostname - uri is compatible with the community MySQL/PostgreSQL service broker.


cf unbind-service $app_name $service_instance_name

For example:

cf unbind-service demoapp mysqldb

Updating the server instance

If the password of an SQL server is changed manually, the broker needs to be informed to update it's database entry for the service instance.

Symtom of bad password:

cf bind-service my-app my-service
Server error, status code: 502, error code: 10001, message: Service broker error: Login failed for user 'my-username'.


cf update-service my-service -c sqldb-example-update.json

Content of sqldb-example-update.json

    "sqlServerParameters": {
        "properties": {
            "administratorLoginPassword": "newerPassword425"

Delete the service instance

The broker only deletes the SQL database on Azure, and don't delete the SQL server.

cf delete-service $service_instance_name -f

For example:

cf delete-service mysqldb -f

Update credentials

If the SQL server credentials are modified, the service broker needs to be informed of the change or binding operations will fail.

As an admin using cf push

  1. Simply modify the SQL server password in the manifest.yml file that was used to deploy the broker. (AZURE_SQLDB_SQL_SERVER_POOL / administratorLoginPassword)

  2. Push the broker with the updated manifest. cf push -f manifest.yml

As a developper using cf update

  1. Modify the config.json file used to create the service instance
  'sqlServerParameters': {
    'properties': {
      'administratorLoginPassword': 'newPassword425'
  1. Inform the broker. cf update-service mydb -c config.json

Update the service plan

This can be used to change the amount of resources allocated to the service instance.

  1. Get the name of the desired new service plan from cf marketplace
  2. Change the service plan cf update-service mysqldb -p StandardS0


Certain updates are not possible. For example, it is not possible to update from a standard plan to a datawarehouse one.

Example error message for this situation : "code":"40882","message":"Can not change SLO from DataWarehouse edition to other SQL DB editions and vice versa."